From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Lundy urges Women and Men to Work for Reform

Date 18 Jun 1997 19:56:33

             Lundy Urges Women and Men To Work for Reform 
                   by Joanne Hines 
SYRACUSE--June 16, l997 was homecoming day for Mary Ann Lundy.  Having been 
introduced as "one who pushed us over the top," members and friends of the 
Voices of Sophia gave her an enthusiastic welcome after a two year absence. 
    Lundy, former staff member of the General Assembly Council spoke to 
some 400 people gathered for an early breakfast meeting.  Now deputy 
general secretary of the World Council of Churches and living in Geneva, 
Switzerland,  this was clearly an emotional homecoming for her. 
    Speaking to the theme, "Hanging in There," Lundy cited the many 
thoughts and feelings that she dealt with after leaving her General 
Assembly position following her participation in the planning of the 
Re-Imagining Conference in 1995.  In answer to the many questions about 
whether or not she would stay in the Presbyterian church she replied  that 
she finally decided, "This is still my church home - it's my family, for 
better or for worse!", she urged those present to  use their  courage and 
energy to reform the church to become inclusive and to continually ask 
"who's missing" when we gather as a family of faith. She urged all women 
and men present to stay in the family and work for inclusion of the 
marginalized and polarized segments of the church. 
    Lundy works with global networks for women's programs through the World 
Council of Churches,  and is set to travel through Europe addressing 
hunger, Vatican relations and the conference of European Churches.   She 
cites that women the world over are committed to forming community and 
addressing common concerns and issues as they work for solidarity. 

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