From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Reports, Advicd, Practice Open Assembly
18 Jun 1997 19:59:00
June 15, 1997
SYRACUSE--Five raps of Moderator John Buchanan's gavel and an invocation
lifting up both the diversity and unity of Presbyterians by Vice Moderator
Gay Mothershed opened the 209th General Assembly Saturday afternoon.
Here commissioners received additional orientation to the experience
ahead of them including common sense advice from Director of Administrative
Services Jan De Vries, a playful demonstration of electronic voting from
Stated Clerk Clifton Kirkpatrick, and an introduction to assistant and
associate stated clerks, parliamentarians, platform and security staff.
In practice electronic voting, commissioners determined that 503 of
them were present along with 200 advisory delegates, that the average
commissioner was between 40 and 50 years of age, 80 per cent were attending
their first General Assembly, and 75 per cent were in Syracuse for the
first time.
Three required items of business were approved: Assembly committee
staff and structure, and the initial report from the Assembly's Bills and
Overtures Committee setting the docket and listing referrals of Assembly
business to its various committees.
The Rev. John Buchanan, moderator of the 209th General Assembly, opened
the traditional report of his moderatorial year by introducing a new
publication, "Presbyterians: Being Faithful to Jesus Christ," launched
this past month and aimed at eventual mailing to the homes of all
As Buchanan told tales of visits he made to 72 presbyteries and eight
countries, Presbyterian mission success stories shone through. Some told of
grants and disaster teams helping to rebuild winter-damaged South Dakota,
some of war-ravaged Croatia, and some told of the Presbyterian presence
symbolized by such visits.
Buchanan reported on the joys of finding, across the country,
congregations doing what Presbyterians do best in worship, in baptizing,
teaching and nurturing members, in feeding the hungry and caring for the
Likening Presbyterian diversity to a sign he saw recently on a general
store in Clinton, S.C. that read "if we don't have it, you don't need it,"
Buchanan reported also on the pain brought by aspects of that diversity.
As he thanked the church at large for the honor of serving as moderator, he
called commissioners to provide guidance in the way ahead as the
denomination seeks common ground and ways to deal responsibly with
Stated Clerk Clifton Kirkpatrick related experiences of his first year
and his hopes for the future to the forthcoming denominational emphasis on
the Great Ends of the Church.
A report from the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly
concluded Saturday's business.
Midge Mack
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