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Stewardship and Funding Acts on Bicentennial Fund Pay up and

Date 19 Jun 1997 12:27:53

              Stewardship and Funding Acts on Bicentennial 
                  Fund Pay up and Special Offering 
                        by Lee Beckhusen 
SYRACUSE--The Stewardship and Mission Funding Committee lightened its own 
workload Monday when it voted to send several items relating to the 
expenditure of restricted funds to the Committee on Mission Program 
Coordination.  Stewardship Chairperson Robert Richardson of Middle 
Tennessee Presbytery, explained that two reports with differing 
perspectives on the use of particular funds held by the Presbyterian 
Foundation had been prepared, one by a task force appointed to study the 
issue and another by the General Assembly Council (GAC).  One report had 
initially been assigned to the Assembly Stewardship and Mission Funding 
Committee and the other to Mission Program Coordination.  Richardson said 
that in order for full conversation to take place, both reports should be 
considered by one committee. 
    The committee considered several items relating to pledge remittance in 
the Bicentennial Fund campaign.  Michael Agamemnonos of Corporate and 
Administrative Services reminded the committee that while Bi Fund campaigns 
have been completed in most regions, pay up on pledged money continues. 
The committee took action to approve several recommendations encouraging 
the fulfillment of these commitments in a timely manner. 
    Overture 97-57 from Western Colorado Presbytery generated significant 
discussion.  The overture called for the establishment of a churchwide 
special offering to support evangelism and new church development.  After 
listening to speakers on both sides of the issue in open hearing, the 
committee voted to refer the issue to the GAC's Church Growth Mission 
Strategy Work Group with the request that a report be made to the 1998 
General Assembly. In making this referral the committee added a note to be 
sure that its full commitment to evangelism and church development is 

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