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More General Assembly Award Winners Announced

Date 19 Jun 1997 12:28:00

             More General Assembly Award Winners Announced 
                      by Jerry L. Van Marter 
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--Several additional award winners have been announced since 
the previous report on General Assembly-related activities (see "NEWS 
BRIEFS," May 9, 1997, page 10).  Those that have come to the attention of 
the Presbyterian News Service: 
Special WomanWitness Awards: presented by the Women's Ministries Program 
Area to the Rev. Elsa Tamez, theologian, biblical  scholar and president of 
the Latin American Biblical University  in Costa Rica, and to Yolanda 
Hernandez, women's ministries regional staffperson for the synods of the 
Northeast, South Atlantic and Puerto Rico, who has devoted a lifetime to 
working with and for Hispanic women in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) -- 
June 15. 
Margaret Fuad Award and David Hancock Award: presented by the Presbyterian 
Network on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse -- the Margaret Fuad Award to the 
Grosse Point Memorial Church, Grosse Point Farms, Mich., for its service to 
its community in the area of drug abuse prevention with children, and the 
David Hancock Award to Judy Caine Ekman of Saratoga Springs, N.Y., for 
creating the Alcohol and Substance Prevention Project, the first 
comprehensive school and community prevention, intervention and referral 
agency in New York State -- June 17. 
Urban Church Awards: presented by the Urban Presbyterian Pastors 
Association to Calvin Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, for more than 90 
years of continuous ministry in a neighborhood of the city that has gone 
through many transitions, and to Eliot Presbyterian Church of Lowell, 
Mass., which began as a chapel and academy for Native Americans in 1653 and 
which today focuses much of its ministry on Southeast Asian immigrants, who 
comprise nearly half the congregation -- June 20.  
Community Ministry Award: presented by Community Ministries and 
Neighborhood Organizations (COMANO) to Martineztown House of Neighborly 
Service, Albuquerque, N.M., for its social service ministries with poor and 
disenfranchised residents of the city -- June 20. 
Restorative Justice Award: presented by the Criminal Justice Program of the 
National Ministries Division to John B. Nisbett III, an elder at First 
Presbyterian Church, Cookeville, Tenn., and assistant district attorney 
general in the Tennessee 13th Judicial District, for his service with the 
district's Family Abuse Intervention Team for Humanity (FAITH) and his work 
as chief prosecutor for the Domestic Violence/Child Abuse Prosecution Unit, 
including its Skills to Avoid Violence Program -- June 20. 
Distinguished Presbyterian Writer Award: presented by the Presbyterian 
Writers Guild to Kathleen Norris, a member of Spencer Memorial Presbyterian 
Church, Lemmon, S.D., and author of "Dakota: A Spiritual Geography" and 
"Cloister Walk" -- June 19. 
Ernest Trice Thompson Award: presented by "The Presbyterian Outlook" to the 
Rev. George Laird Hunt of Lakeland, Fla., pastor, educator, historian, 
ecumenist, author and editor of "The Presbyterian Outlook" from 1979-1988 
-- June 14. 

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