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Foundation and Publishing Reports Applauded

Date 20 Jun 1997 06:33:32

         Foundation and Publishing Corporation Reports Applauded 
                         by Jane Hines 
SYRACUSE--After hearing and approving extensive reports from the boards and 
staffs of the Presbyterian Foundation and the Presbyterian Publishing 
Corporation, the Assembly Committee assigned to review them ended their 
business session with applause for both entities.  The ability of both 
corporations to operate in a sound business manner while maintaining 
Christian principles was noted with appreciation. 
     The committee approved a response to a referral from the 208th General 
Assembly asking the Foundation to consider increasing the amount invested 
in the Ecumenical Development Cooperative Society (EDCS).  The response 
demonstrates that it would not be prudent to expand the Creative Investment 
pool to accommodate further EDCS investment at this time. 
     The committee also approved a recommendation that the 209th General 
Assembly review and endorse the steps taken, progress made, and plans 
developed in response to the direction from the 208th General Assembly " to 
take the necessary actions (including, as required, formation of subsidiary 
corporations) to satisfy legal and regulatory requirements related to its 
Planned Gifts and Investment Management Service programs." 

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