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Assembly Reaffirms the Rights of Children

Date 20 Jun 1997 06:33:40

             Assembly Reaffirms the Rights of Children 
                        by Nancy Rodman 
SYRACUSE--The 209th General Assembly has reaffirmed its commitment to the 
rights and welfare of children and called once again for the ratification 
of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.  The Assembly Committee on 
the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy which discussed these 
issues, reported Wednesday evening. 
    The Assembly also issued a call to Presbyterians to study and take 
action on such child-related issues as children's rights, exploitative 
child labor, pornography and prostitution, child abuse, and the effects of 
recent welfare changes on children.  It encouraged congregations to use the 
study guide, "We Won't Let It Happen Here: Preventing Child Sexual Abuse in 
the Church", a resource which is available from the Presbyterian Child 
Advocacy Network. 
    The Assembly called upon Presbyterians within their homes, 
congregations, and communities to engage in abuse prevention education and 
on congregations to train staff and volunteers so that they can better 
recognize the signs and symptoms of abuse and report it to the proper 
authorities.  The Assembly urged congregations to review and develop church 
policies to protect children from abuse in church settings and to ensure 
careful screening of  all staff and volunteers. 
    Church and government agencies are encouraged to strengthen their 
efforts to promote the welfare of children. 
    The Assembly defeated an amendment to the resolution to remove the call 
to the United States to ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child. 
During debate on the amendment, the Rev. Robert Smiley, director of the 
United Nations Office of the church, reminded commissioners that previous 
assemblies have urged the United States to ratify the Convention. 
Commissioner Darlene K. Little said, in response to concerns that the 
Convention compromises the sovereignty of the United States, said, "As a 
Christian, I feel a responsibility to care for all children not, just those 
in a certain geographic area."  

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