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PSCE Presents Awards to Four Congregations

Date 20 Jun 1997 06:33:46

              PSCE Presents Awards to Four Congregations 
                        by Eva Stimson 
SYRACUSE--Four congregations with effective and innovative Christian 
education ministries received awards from the Presbyterian School of 
Christian Education at the school's General Assembly luncheon Wednesday, 
June 18. 
    The Old Presbyterian Meeting House in Alexandria, Va., received the 
Sarah Hill Brown Early Childhood Education Award for its Meeting House 
Cooperative Preschool.   This unusually inclusive program integrates 
children with special needs into regular classrooms.  Up to 10 percent of 
its budget goes into a scholarship fund that promotes cultural, ethnic, and 
economic diversity among its children.  The preschool works in close 
cooperation with city public schools to identify and provide services to 
children with special needs. 
    Presbyterian Church of the Redeemer in Brooklyn, N.Y., received the 
Tolly Thompson Award for Excellence in Christian Education.  With less than 
200 members, this energetic "redevelopment" congregation operates a 
Christian education program with 11 Sunday school classes, 23 teachers and 
an average of 75-80 participants.  Some 150 children attend the church's 
two-week vacation Bible School.  The church's education program includes 
extensive teacher training, year-long membership/discipleship classes, 
after-school programs and a Thursday study time for older adults.  Four 
members of the church are currently candidates for the ministry. 
    First Presbyterian Church in Milledgeville, Ga., received the Elinor 
Curry Award for Outreach and Social Concern.   A prison ministry, food 
bank, recycling project and college course program for older adults are 
among the outreach efforts included in this church's mercy and justice 
ministry.  The congregation has spoken out in support of public schools in 
its community and against environmental racism.  Three years ago the church 
gave $4,200 to a local A.M.E. congregation to help in its struggle to keep 
a landfill out of a poor, primarily African-American community. 
    Centerville (Va.) Presbyterian Church received the Katharine Hawes 
Award for Effective Youth Ministry.  Since the church was chartered in 
1992, its youth membership has grown from three to more than 40 regular 
participants.  The church's "cell-based" model of youth ministry builds 
relationships by assigning young people to small groups that meet every 
other week.  The young people are encouraged to ask questions and express 
doubts as they grow in their faith.  They participate in outreach efforts 
to the homeless, the hungry, at-risk children and the elderly.  The youth 
group also sponsors a 24-hour prayer vigil before their church's 
Stewardship Weekend. 

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