From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Global Service, Witness, Mission Committee Report
20 Jun 1997 06:33:48
Global Service, Witness, Mission Committee Report:
Most of Resolution on Middle East Accepted by Assembly
by Midge Mack
SYRACUSE--Commissioners Wednesday approved most of the centerpiece of the
work of the Assembly Committee on Global Service, Witness and Mission
(GSWM), refining a comprehensive 25-page resolution on the Middle East
first prepared by the Committee on Social Witness Policy. Committee
members had struggled many hours with delicate wording seeking to
strengthen the impact of the document described by committee moderator
Victor Aloyo as balanced, well documented, and consistent with Presbyterian
Middle East policy of past years.
One committee amendment asked more aid to be available to the
Palestinian Authority, and for easing economic sanctions against Iraq in
such a manner that does not support Iraq's ability to make acts of
aggression against its neighbors. Another directed the stated clerk to
send the resolution to a) U.S. government leaders; b) all congregations
and presbyteries with an appropriate study guide, and c) direct World Wide
Ministries division to develop a mission contacts guide for those traveling
in the Middle East.
The report was arrested when the committee's time ran out before an
$18-20 thousand dollar financial impact for item b) above was voted, and
will be finalized Saturday.
Part of the report already approved included Overture 97-60 in which
the Assembly voted to invite its counterpart Presbyterian Churches in
Brazil and South Korea to join it in a three-way dialogue on social justice
and the emerging global economy. The initiative came from a group within
the PCUSA called the Bi-National Service Community, made up of former
missionaries who have lived a major part of their lives in second countries
and are committed to building relationships of justice between the peoples
of their two countries.
The Assembly has already approved Commissioners' Resolution 97-10 and
response began yesterday with a special mailing on its way to congregations
undergirding an earlier appeal from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to
fund food aid to North Korea. The stated clerk will also send messages to
the President, Secretary of State, and the East Asia committee of the U.S.
Congress urging them in the strongest way to provide increased food aid to
North Korea in the spirit of humanitarian principle. Commissioners'
Resolution 97-8, a call for a special Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
(PDA) appeal to all congregations to fund church rebuilding in the
flood-stricken Red River Valley was approved. Amended wording "that
subsequent PDA appeals for U.S. disasters include information on the extent
of church damage and offer Presbyterians the opportunity to designate gifts
for either general relief and/or church rebuilding," was included. Prior
PDA policy has limited relief monies to people rather than for buildings.
Overture 97-75 from the Presbytery of Shenango calling for intensified
efforts by the PCUSA for peace and justice in the Sudan, was amended with
direction to register protest against increasing persecution of Christians
and the rise of slavery. It was then approved with commendation of
Shenango Presbytery's mission partnership in Sudan.
Twice during the Wednesday proceedings the Assembly paused for prayer,
the first time for the church and people of Hong Kong and again a few
minutes later for the people of Sudan.
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