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Education-Curriculum Report Emphasizes African Americans
20 Jun 1997 06:40:36
Education-Curriculum Report Emphasizes African Americans
by Midge Mack
SYRACUSE--African Americans will be taking their proper place in
Presbyterian curriculum materials from now on since commissioners approved
most of a referral from a 1995 commissioners' resolution.
In a first response to that resolution Moderator Marj Carpenter
appointed a committee of African Americans to work on Christian Education
from an African American Perspective. It is their report that was the basis
of Congregational Ministries/GAC recommendations for this year's Assembly
Committee on Christian Education and Denominational Curriculum.
African American presence will be included in all leadership programs
and development of Christian Education resources with pictures, posters and
stories reflecting African American experience, through the use of African
American authors and illustrators and positive portrayal of African
American families and children. Presbyterian historical societies,
colleges, seminaries and other bodies will be encouraged to do likewise.
Also approved was a mandate to find funds for development of these
resources and for hiring an African American staff person who would
specifically facilitate and promote African American curricula. The
committee did not recommend funds for a continuing consulting committee or
leadership training at this time.
Overture 97 from Peace River Presbytery was initiated by the youth
group of a Naples (Florida) church, and asked for annual, regional,
spiritual, open-to-all youth conferences. Commissioners approved its
amendment and referral to the Congregational Ministries division for
consideration and direction to report to next year's Assembly. Youth
publications will report its progress through the system.
Also approved was the committee's expression of concern over the
two-year delay in action on overture 95-46, and its request for full
accounting of a $50,000 budget approved in 1995 (but no longer available)
for developing ministry tools and services for persons with disabilities.
An extensive consent agenda enabling administration of the Commitment
to Peacemaking program was also approved.
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