From the Worldwide Faith News archives

UCC/National meeting draws 'alongside' events

Date 23 Jun 1997 16:05:13

June 23, 1997
United Church of Christ
Jacqueline Wilkins, press contact
(216) 736-2226 (Cleveland)
Press Room, July 3-8
Room C110, Greater Columbus Convention Center, Ohio
(614) 722-1216
On the Web:

[This is one in a series of releases previewing the
United Church of Christ's 1997 General Synod.  Other
agenda items are covered in previous and coming
releases.  The Synod will draw an estimated 3,000
people, including some 700 voting delegates from 39
regional bodies of the denomination.  On moral, social
and theological matters, the biennial Synod speaks to,
and not for, the UCC's 1.5 million members and 6,100
local churches.  News coverage is welcome.  For
information, call the Cleveland number above.  During
the General Synod, news will be updated twice daily on
a special Synod section of the UCC home page (Web
address above).]

Church's national meeting draws many 'alongside'

COLUMBUS, Ohio--Faith and sexuality.  Ethics and
cloning.  Immigration and refugees.  Justice and the
arts.  Race, culture and the church.  . . .
      These are among the topics of various meetings,
seminars, workshops and exhibits being offered June 30
through July 3 in Columbus, alongside a national
meeting of the United Church of Christ.
      An estimated 3,000 delegates, staff and visitors
are expected at the UCC's biennial General Synod,
whose business sessions run Thursday evening, July 3,
through Tuesday evening, July 8, at the Greater
Columbus Convention Center.
      The activities will be at various sites.  On
Saturday afternoon, July 5, for example, Synod
delegates will roll up their sleeves and do volunteer
work at five Columbus community-service organizations.
      Here is a list of selected 'alongside' General
Synod events.  Locations are noted (all times ET). 
Most are open to the public; some require advance

      *  Interfaith Justice Action through the Arts,
July 3-8.  Location:  Convention Center Exhibit Hall. 
Art exhibit honors the late Valerie E. Russell, a UCC
social-justice leader.  Sponsored by the Better World
Artists and Activists Guild (BWAAG), a not-for-profit
organization affiliated with Pilgrim United Church of
Christ in Carlsbad, Calif.

      *  A Rainbow of Hope: 25 Years and Growing. 
Seventeenth national gathering of the United Church
Coalition for Lesbian/Gay Concerns. June 30, 5 p.m. -
July 3, 1 p.m., Ohio State University.  Discussion on
working to overcome racism; speakers, workshops and
interactive drama.

      *  United Black Christians Convocation, in
conjunction with UCC Ministers for Racial, Social and
Economic Justice and UCC Commission for Racial
Justice.  Thurs., July 3, 10 - 11:30 p.m., Hyatt
Regency, 350 N. High St., Regency South.

      *  General Synod Service Day, Sat., July 5, noon
- 5 p.m.  Delegates to the UCC General Synod will
spend the afternoon in service to the Columbus
community at the following Greater Columbus locations:

            *  The Open Shelter, Inc., the oldest 24-
            hour emergency walk-in shelter for the
            homeless in Ohio.  Volunteers will wash
            and paint walls and sort donations.

            *  The Central Ohio Poison Center, which
            provides 24-hour emergency hotline,
            prevention information and educational
            programs.  Delegates will learn about the
            work of the center and assemble
            information packets.

            *  Habitat for Humanity, which will be
            working on 18 houses in July. Skilled and
            unskilled volunteers will help out on
            whatever phase of construction is taking

            *  The Columbus Ronald McDonald House,
            which provides families a "home away from
            home" when a child is seriously ill. 
            Synod delegates will clean house and do
            yard work.

            * Columbus Clean Community, cleans up
            specifically targeted areas or
            neighborhoods.  Volunteers will work on
            one such area.

      *  Pastor As Teacher, Wed., July 2, 6:30 - 9
p.m., St. John's Evangelical Protestant United Church
of Christ, 59 E. Mound St.  A gathering of pastors,
church educators and interested persons for a
conversation with Audrey A. Miller, General Secretary,
Division of Education and Publication, United Church
Board for Homeland Ministries, and various panelists.

      * Teach-In:  A Moment to Choose: Risking to be
with Uprooted People, Thurs., July 3, 10 a.m. - 2
p.m., Crowne Plaza, 33 Nationwide Blvd., Muirfield A
and B.  Guest Speaker, Elizabeth G. Ferris, Director
Immigration and Refugee Program, Church World Service
and Witness, and author of Beyond Borders:  Refugees,
Migrants and Human Rights in the Post-Cold War Era. 
The event is sponsored by the Common Global Ministries
Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
and the United Church of Christ.

      Here are a few of the workshops that will take
place at General Synod:

      *  Genetic Technology and Christian Faith, Sat.,
July 5, 2 - 3:15 p.m., Convention Center, Room C211. 
Briefly explores the progress made by genetic
technology.  As a people of faith, how do we deal with
the ethical, social and moral implications of the
genetic technologies?  Leaders:  Dr. Ron Cole-Turner,
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, and Dr. Olivia Masih
White, Biology Department/University of North Texas.

      *  On Becoming Multiracial/Multicultural, Sat.,
July 5, 2 - 3:15 p.m., Convention Center, Room C223. 
Offers insights into the framework and vision of the
pronouncement adopted by the Nineteenth General Synod
calling the United Church of Christ to become a
multiracial and multicultural church.  Leader:  the
Rev. Felix Carrion, UCC's Office for Church in Society
and Commission for Racial Justice.

      *  Sexuality:  The Role of the Church in Healing
a Sex-Obsessive Society, Sat., July 5, 2 - 3:15 p.m.,
Hyatt Regency, 350 N. High St., Harrison Room.  Helps
local church folks think about sexuality as a gift of
God, rather than a method of promoting consumerism and
exploitation.  Leaders:  Faith Adams Johnson and the
Rev. Gordon Svoboda, United Church Board for Homeland

      *  Life With Dignity:  Active Euthanasia and the
Christian Faith, Sat., July 5, 3:30 - 4:45 p.m.,
Convention Center, Room C221.  Explores the
spirituality of "Life to death to life" and our role
as believers.  Seeks to better understand the
relationship between the Spirit, the mind and the body
as death becomes immanent.  Leader:  the Rev. Michael
E. Allen, United Friends for Life.

      The United Church of Christ, with national
offices in Cleveland, has local congregations in the
United States and Puerto Rico.  It was formed by the
1957 union of the Congregational Christian and the
Evangelical and Reformed Church.

[EDITORS:  To arrange coverage or interviews related
to any of these events, please phone the Cleveland or
Columbus numbers listed at the top of this release.]
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