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Gratefully Receive Jesus' Love, Worshipers Urged
25 Jun 1997 21:23:31
Gratefully Receive Jesus' Love, Worshipers Urged
SYRACUSE--Saying the story in Mark's gospel about the little children
coming to Jesus should be titled "Rebuking the disciples," not "Blessing
the children," Assembly preacher the Rev. Joanna Adams urged worshipers
June 21 to "receive the promised kingdom with grateful hearts."
Adams, pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, called Mark
10:13-16 "a radical challenge to the powers of the world." She said of the
children in the story: "They had nothing to show for themselves, nothing to
offer, nothing to warrant Christ's blessing, but his love, his blessing and
his kingdom was theirs nevertheless."
She said it is hard for Christians to gratefully receive such a gift of
grace "because we want to bring SOMETHING -- our good works, our
forgiveness of our enemies, our theological understanding." But in the
end, she continued, "all I really have is the dust and breath, the joy and
hope, the need and willingness that is me. I am loved because God loves
me, I am welcomed because it's God's nature to welcome us all."
And so, Adams concluded, "It is not for us to build the kingdom, but to
receive it; not to set the standards for admission, but to gratefully enter
Jerry Van Marter
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