From the Worldwide Faith News archives
CoB Newsline- Annual Conference, NYC, EDF/GFCF
Church of the Brethren News Services
26 Jun 1997 13:11:41
Date: June 26, 1997
Contact: Paula Wilding
V: 847/742-5100 F: 847/742-6103
Newsline June 26, 1997
Newsline for the week of June 26. In the news today:
1) Pre-Annual Conference meetings and events begin this weekend.
2) The National Youth Conference 1998 promotional video was sent
to district offices this week.
3) Three grants totalling $16,000 were allocated through
Emergency Disaster Fund and Global Food Crisis Fund.
4) Jim Forbus is named interim manager of the Brethren Conference
Center, New Windsor, Md.
5) Global Mission Partnerships offers a trip to Jerusalem for
6) Newsline will be produced each day of Annual Conference,
beginning Monday.
1) Several meetings and events will begin this weekend, leading
up to Annual Conference in Long Beach, Calif., to be held Tuesday
evening through July 6. Annual Conference Standing Committee will
begin its meetings Saturday evening and continue through Tuesday
afternoon. The General Board's Executive Committee will convene
Saturday, and the Council of District Executives on Sunday. The
full General Board will hold its meetings Tuesday.
"Game Plan for Living," the Ministers' Association Conference,
will be held Monday and Tuesday with Tim Timmons speaking on
relationships within congregations.
"The Church's Response to Child Abuse" workshop, sponsored by
Association of Brethren Caregivers, is scheduled for Tuesday.
Beverly Fancher, executive director of a child abuse treatment
center in Long Beach, will be the keynote speaker.
The New Church Development Seminar on Monday will feature Jeff
Wright, the Mennonite Board of Missions' Urban Ministry director
in Los Angeles.
Two workshops sponsored by Ministry of Reconciliation --
"Conflict Resolution Skills for Church Leaders" and "Group
Facilitation Skills for Decision-Making and Reconciliation" --
are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday.
Brethren Revival Fellowship's annual meeting will be held Sunday
at Lindsay (Calif.) Church of the Brethren.
"Dancing at the Water's Edge," sponsored by Brethren/Mennonite
Council for Gay and Lesbian Concerns and Womaen's Caucus, will be
held Saturday-Monday at La Verne (Calif.) Church of the Brethren.
2) Church of the Brethren youth from around the denomination
can now get a preview of National Youth Conference 1998. "...With
Eyes of Faith" is scheduled for July 28-Aug. 2, 1998, in Fort
Collins, Colo. The conference's promotional video was sent to
district offices this week. It features Brian Yoder, NYC
coordinator, and assistant coordinators Emily Shonk and Joy
Struble searching the NYC World Wide Web site, which can be found
at Also featured in the video are members
of the NYC Cabinet. The video will debut at the Youth/Young Adult
Ministries booth at Annual Conference next week. NYC organizers
anticipate nearly 5,000 participants to attend NYC, and will
begin accepting registrations in January. For more information on
NYC, contact the NYC Office at 800 323-8039 or at
CoB.Youth.parti@Ecunet.Org. To borrow a video, contact the NYC
Office or a district office.
3) Three grants totaling $16,000 were allocated to projects last
week. $10,000 was released from the Global Food Crisis Fund to
The Wilderness of Anosino Project in Russia to assist in
developing agricultural and dairy development programs. GFCF also
allocated $5,000 to Companeros en Ministerio (Partners in
Ministry) for feeding single mothers and street children through
the Centro Infantil Shalom (Peace Center for Children) in
Tijuana, Mexico. The Emergency Disaster Fund allocated a $1,000
grant to the Interfaith Flood Relief Partnership Steering
Committee to help in providing sanitary household furnishings for
1,600 houses in Modesto, Calif., that were flooded with
contaminated water.
4) Jim Forbus has been named interim manager of the Brethren
Conference Center, New Windsor, Md., effective June 18. Forbus
previously had served as a volunteer with the Public Information
Office at the Brethren Service Center.
5) An opportunity to learn first-hand of tensions in the Middle
East and the tenuous ongoing peace process will be available
later this year. "For the Peace of Jerusalem Tour" is scheduled
for Nov. 17 - Dec. 1. Tour participants will meet with Muslims,
Jews and Christians in Jerusalem, as well as visit historic
sites. The tour, which will be led by David Metzler, professor
emeritus from Bridgewater (Va.) College, is sponsored by the
Church of the Brethren Global Mission Partnership Office, with
assistance from the Middle East Council of Churches. For more
information, contact the Global Mission Partnership Office at 800
6) Newsline's daily coverage of Annual Conference will begin
Monday night with reports of pre-Conference meetings. Newsline
then will be sent daily through July 5.
Other items to be sent via e-mail and fax to Newsline recipients
will be the sermon text of each worship service (where preview
copies have been submitted) and press releases. This year, the
Conference Journal news sheet will not be sent individually over
the Newsline wires; rather, Journal items not already covered by
Newsline that are deemed relevant to non-Conferencegoers will be
incorporated into Newsline.
After today, Newsline will not accept new subscribers during
Annual Conference because of logistics problems in adding new
names to the list. However, Newsline is archived at two sites on
the World Wide Web. See below.
Newsline is archived with an index at and at
This message can be heard by calling 410 635-8738. To receive
Newsline by e-mail or fax, call 800 323-8039, ext. 257, or write
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