From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Notes about People

Date 25 Aug 1997 18:31:57

    Notes about People 
    by Jerry L. Van Marter 
    The Rev. James Choomack began work as general presbyter and stated 
clerk for Cherokee Presbytery Aug. 1. 
    Prior to taking on his new position, Choomack was associate executive 
presbyter for Florida Presbytery.  He has also served a number of 
    # # # 
    Jeanne A. Torrens, wife of the Rev. Gary Torrens, executive presbyter 
for East Iowa Presbytery, died Aug. 2 following a long battle with 
pancreatic cancer. 
    Memorial services have been scheduled for Aug. 10 at First Presbyterian 
Church in Iowa City. A permanent endowment, the Jeanne A. Torrens Fund, has 
been established with the Presbyterian Foundation in Jeffersonville, Ind., 
to benefit Presbyterian Health Ministries and the Iowa City Hospice. 
Memorial gifts may be sent directly to the Foundation. 
    # # # 
    The Montreat board of directors has named R. James Henderson as interim 
executive director following the June 30 resignation of the Rev. William S. 
Dunifon, Montreat's former president. 
    Henderson, who makes his home in Montreat, has served a number of 
educational institutions as a financial officer, including Case Western 
Reserve University in Cleveland, Duke University, Agnes Scott College, 
Newton (Mass.) College and Ohio University. 
    # # # 
    Bishop Christian Krause, 57, of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in 
Brunswick, Germany, has been elected president of the Lutheran World 
Federation.  He is the third German president of the worldwide Lutheran 
    In his remarks to the federation, Krause stressed the importance of 
remaining within the Lutheran tradition and at the same time being part of 
the ecumenical movement.  He expressed a wish that there could be a world 
federation of Lutheran and Reformed churches. 

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