From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Re: United Methodist Daily News note 27

Date 20 Aug 1997 15:42:25

"UNITED METHODIST DAILY NEWS 97" by SUSAN PEEK on April 15, 1997 at 14:24

Note 276 by UMNS on Aug. 20, 1997 at 15:40 Eastern (2676 characters).

                                      TITLE: Africa University
Enrollment Up
 Produced by United Methodist News Service, official news agency of
the United Methodist Church, with offices in Nashville, Tenn., New
York, and Washington.

 CONTACT: Thomas S. McAnally                            
          Nashville, TN (615) 742-5470                         Aug.
20, 1997
 Africa University 1997-98 enrollment
 reaches all-time high of 557
                    by United Methodist News Service
     Enrollment for the 1997-98 academic year at United
 Methodism's Africa University has reached an all-time high of 557
 students, according to preliminary figures released by the school
 Aug. 20.
     Africa University, authorized by the church's 1988 General
 Conference, is located at Old Mutari, Zimbabwe. Classes began in
 1992 with 40 students in two faculties (colleges). Church members
 around the world are raising money for construction of the campus
 and an endowment fund for student scholarships.
     The 1997-98 student body will include 279 new students: 174
 men, and 105 women.
     University officials say new academic programs are proving
 extremely popular.  The Faculty (College) of Management and
 Administration's new undergraduate programs in accounting,
 economics and administration attracted 95 new students, 37 of them
     Of the other new students, 82 have enrolled in a two-year
 education program for certified teachers; 51 are in a four-year
 education program for uncertified teachers; 32 are in the Faculty
 of Agriculture and Natural Resources; and 19 are in the Faculty of
     The number of students now has exceeded the dormitory
 capacity of 450 beds.  All undergraduate students are being housed
 three to a room.  With the help of 15 volunteers from Western
 North Carolina, five more rooms are being constructed in space
 formerly used as lounges in the residence halls.
     Bishop Alfred Norris, Albuquerque, N.M., chairman of the
 Africa University Development Committee, will preach at opening
 worship services Aug. 24.
     Leaving the campus this month after a one-year stint as
 Fulbright Scholar and Visiting Lecturer is John Griffis from
 United Methodist-related Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Fla. 
 Griffis has worked with the Faculty of Agriculture and Natural
 Resources.  He gave special attention to research efforts of
 fourth year students who plan to specialize in horticulture
 following graduation.
                              #  #  #
     NOTE: Andra Stevens, director of information for Africa
 University, contributed to this story.   


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