From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Pennsylvania Lutheran Agenices Merge

Date 08 Aug 1997 17:17:33


August 8, 1997


The Lutheran Home of Topton, Pa., and Lutheran Welfare Service, Hazelton, Pa., have affiliated as
Lutheran Services Northeast (LSN).  The merger became official in July after months of negotiations
and corporate decisions.  "To a world that is asking the church, 'What have you done for us lately?'
Lutheran Services Northeast will be able to say more effectively, more clearly and more powerfully,
'Here is God's love for you,'" said the Rev. David R. Strobel, the synod's bishop.  Both agencies
converted from multi-member to single-member corporations.  LSN was appointed the sole
member of each corporation; and the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America became the sole member of LSN. "I have felt in my heart for a long time that our
mission to care for the elderly, the children and all those who need our care would be enhanced by
our unity," said the Rev. Daun E. McKee, president of LHT and LSN's new president.  "I retire with a
sense of accomplishment," said the Rev. Calvin O. Goerdel, president of LWS.  "I feel as if my hand
has touched the future.  I know this change is a necessity if we are to go on providing the kind of
strong care for which we have become known."  Lutheran Services Northeast combines the
ministries of LHT and LWS in northeast Pennsylvania: 22 senior centers, eight independent-living
communities, eight individual and family counseling centers, five hospice facilities and 34 outpatient
care locations, five sites for children's services, four health care facilities, four senior volunteer
programs, three assisted-living facilities, three volunteer home care offices, two home health
service sites, a Latino community service center and a continuing education service, "Genesis."

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG

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