From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Lutherans Assist with Europe Flood Relief Efforts

Date 09 Aug 1997 22:08:15


August 8, 1997


Parts of Central and Eastern Europe and the Caucasus were hit by extensive flooding following
unusually heavy rainfalls in July.  Major damage and destruction occurred in parts of Poland, the
Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, and Armenia.   Hundreds of thousands of people were forced
to flee their homes in advance of rising flood waters, according to Action by Churches Together
(ACT).  ACT has called for help to provide emergency relief for flood victims including the
provision of safe drinking water, food, medicine, emergency shelter materials, clothing and other
basic relief items.  ACT is a worldwide network of churches,
 including the Lutheran World Federation, meeting human need through coordinated emergency
response.  Communications were disrupted, crops and property destroyed, transportation
systems and roads made unusable, and water and sanitation infrastructure extensively damaged,
ACT reports.  The floods have caused billions of dollars in damages.  ACT's assistance focuses on
the short term emergency needs for drinking water, food, medicine, clothing, cooking stoves, fuel,
blankets, disinfectants, clean-up materials, and hand hygiene materials.  Additional assistance has
been provided for evacuation of youth and children from flood zones, provision of temporary
shelter for the displaced, repairs to drinking water systems and initial clean-up from the flood
damages.  ACT targeted early assistance to areas of Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania and
Armenia.  ACT has appealed for $1,760,000 and will continue to provide targeted relief to flood
victims in Poland, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic.  The Lutheran World Federation is a
worldwide communion of 124 member churches, including the Evangelical Lutheran Church in

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG

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