From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Hamm responds to beating of Haitian Disciples member
28 Aug 1997 13:45:43
Date: August 28, 1997
Disciples News Service
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Contact: Clifford L. Willis
on the web: http//
INDIANAPOLIS (DNS) -- The recent beating of a Haitian immigrant
by New York City police has elicited a strong response by General Minister
and President Richard L. Hamm of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Hamm shared his "outrage and sadness" over the beating of Abner
Louima in an Aug. 21 pastoral letter to Disciples members. Louima is a
member of a Brooklyn Disciples congregation -- Evangelical Crusade/Fishers
of Men. The senior pastor of the Haitian congregation, the Rev. Philias
Nicolas, also is Louima's uncle.
In particular, Hamm questioned how a country purporting "to be based
upon freedom, justice" and equality can "live up to such a creed if its law
officers operate outside the law and with no regard for the worth of persons."
The communique reminded Disciples members that the General
Assembly in July approved a "Resolution on Police Accountability." "The
attack on Mr. Louima demonstrates the need for such a call for police
accountability," the letter said.
Police abuse, according to the resolution, is too frequent in this
country, especially for persons of color. "I believe we must stand for zero
tolerance of police abuse and for the renewed commitment to public
accountability of law enforcement officers and their agencies," said Hamm.
The Disciples chief executive commended Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's
efforts address the issue and "to break the code of silence.'" He also lauded
efforts by others to address this and other cases of alleged police brutality.
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Editor's note: A copy of Dr. Hamm's pastoral letter is enclosed with this
August 21, 1997
A Pastoral Letter
As General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples
of Christ) in the United States and Canada, I wish to register outrage and
sadness in the face of the brutal attack by certain New York City police
officers upon Abner Louima. Mr. Louima is a Haitian-American and a
member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) at Evangelical
Crusade/Fishers of Men Church, Brooklyn; the Rev. Philias Nicolas, Pastor.
The United States purports to be based upon freedom, justice, and the
God-given equality of all persons. But how can the nation live up to such a
creed if its law officers operate outside the law and with no regard for the
worth of persons? How can we follow the counsel of the Apostle Paul in
Romans 13, "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities," if those
authorities abuse their power and position?
Just last month our church's General Assembly, comprised of some
8400 participants coming from 4000 congregations to meet in Denver,
Colorado, approved a "Resolution on Police Accountability." The attack upon
Mr. Louima demonstrates the need for such a call for police accountability.
The resolution acknowledges that "the vast majority of law
enforcement officers serve with accountability and integrity as they daily put
themselves in harm's way for the good of the community," and we give thanks
for those public servants who carry their responsibilities with faithfulness,
dedication and courage. However, the resolution also acknowledges that police
abuse is a too frequent reality in this country, especially against persons of
color. As Christians, and as citizens, I believe we must stand for zero tolerance
of police abuse and for renewed commitment to public accountability of law
enforcement officers and their agencies. The General Assembly resolution asks
for all members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to:
-offer prayers and expressions of sympathy for all who have
experienced police abuse;
-commit to the appreciation and support of partnership with police
officers toward the goal of humane and effective law enforcement;
-pray for law enforcement officers as they daily risk their lives to strive
for peace and justice and to pray for their families;
(- more -)Hamm's pastoral letter - page 2
-encourage better funding for police work, improvement in the
screening and training of police candidates, and provision of
counseling and other forms of support necessary for those engaged in
this vitally important service to our communities; and
-speak out publicly on issues of police accountability.
In addition to members of the Disciples of Christ, I urge persons of all
faiths to join in resolve and commitment to these kinds of actions.
I commend those who have made their voices heard on behalf of
justice in the Louima case and other cases. I commend Mayor Giuliani for his
efforts to get to the truth of what happened and to break the "code of silence."
On behalf of Disciples everywhere, I offer my heartfelt concern for Abner
Louima and his family and prayers for his speedy recovery from the physical,
emotional and spiritual trauma he has suffered.
The Rev. Dr. Richard L. Hamm
General Minister and President
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada
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