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Lutheran World Federation urged to speak out on issues

From WFN <>
Date Sat, 30 Aug 1997 17:52:58 -0700 (PDT)

Church needs to be bold and speak out
Mogedal speaks from the North

HONG KONG, July 25, 1997 (lwi) - "The Church cannot be confined to a
spiritual corner in the global supermarket. It needs to be true to the
Gospel values and be bold and speak out against forces that deny justice,
violate creation and deny human identity, integrity and worth," said Dr.
Sigrun Mogedal, a medical doctor and chairperson of the Council on
Ecumenical Relations of the Church of Norway.

"I stand here as a voice from a part of the world that for centuries has
seen itself as particularly enlightened, with a sacred responsibility to
conquer cultures and take charge of world affairs," she said in response to
the Assembly keynote address July 10.

"From our region we used to bring self-confidence, impressive words and
influence along with our faith," she said. "This time we cannot come to
this global assembly with neat and tidy analyses and interpretations and at
the same time be honest to ourselves and our context.

We are confused. We come here with humility and longing. Our life
experiences as Christian communities have been put to the test of
fundamental change," Mogedal said. "Words have become empty and are not
followed by action. There is a weariness in our congregations, our worship
and our engagement as Christians in society. We offer care without the
invitation to belong. We used to be so self-sufficient and are only
starting to discover the real meaning of Jesus' turning values upside down
and talking about strength in weakness," she said.

"We come here realizing that we need help from others to rediscover our
identity in Christ and what it means to be called to witness - today.
Together with the cloud of witnesses, before us and here with us, within
and outside our Lutheran family, we can share together with fresh eyes and
minds, with new curiosity and with a new sense of urgency, and be bold in
our witness," she said. 

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