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Re: LWF Assembly

From WFN <>
Date Sat, 30 Aug 1997 17:53:00 -0700 (PDT)

Tite: Lutheran Assembly votes to reject India's treatment of dalits
LWF rejects India's treatment of dalits

       HONG KONG, July 15 (lwi) -  In June, Hindus burned the houses of
dalits and nearly one hundred people were killed, it was reported to Ninth
Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation meeting in Hong Kong today. This
incident was given as an example of the oppression of dalits in India, who
stand at the bottom of India's social ladder as outcasts.
       "Christians in India have been working to change the situation of
the dalits for the past 50 years,  Rev. Prasanna Kumari of Arcot Lutheran
Church (India) told the Assembly, "but nothing has moved.  Now India's
Christians are trying to make this situation an issue of Amnesty
International, she said.
       In response to the concern of delegates from India, the Assembly
voted to reject all oppressive systems and their related inhuman practices
and committed the LWF to stand in solidarity and support with all its
member churches and others in their struggle against the oppression of
dalits, particularly Christian dalits.
       Christian dalits say that because they  are Christians, they do not
receive any help from the government. The Indian government does not
provide stipends, job opportunities and allotment of free lands for
Christian dalits that it provides for Buddhist and Sikh dalits.
       One reason given is that Buddhism and Sikhism are claimed to be
Indian religions while Christianity is claimed to be a foreign religion.
The Assembly noted that in fact, Christianity was in India in the first
century while Sikhism came into existence in the 19th century. About 2.8
percent of India's population is Christian.
       Another reason given for the lack of government support for
Christian dalits is that Indian Christians receive material help from
Christians in Europe and America.  While Christians in India do receive
support from Western countries, these resources are used to help others in
India as well, the Assembly noted.

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