From the Worldwide Faith News archives
NCCUSA, Communions' Public Policy Goals
09 Dec 1997 12:23:57
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the
Contact: Carol Fouke, NCC News,212-870-2252
WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 5 ---- Public policy
advocates for the National Council of Churches and
its member denominations spent an intensive three
days working on their 1998 common goals in four
areas: reducing poverty, fostering racial justice,
protecting religious liberty, and promoting peace
and human rights.
As the nearly 60 leaders in public policy
ministries representing the "mainline" church
community sought to find a focus among the dizzying
array of current and pending legislative initiatives
affecting their four priorities, one "crossover"
theme emerged: public education.
"It touches immigration, race, poverty -
virtually every issue we've said is among our
priorities," commented the Rev. Dr. Joan B.
Campbell, the NCC's General Secretary, as the
conference drew to a close.
Advocates expressed their concurrence by citing
horror stories of Philadelphia schools without
books, New York City's use of school bathrooms as
classrooms, a $1.5 million shortfall for public
education in one Virginia county after the state
eliminated the car tax, enormous disparities between
schools in affluent and poor communities, ongoing
confusion about appropriate religious expression in
public schools, and more.
The Dec. 3-5 conference was the advocates'
second annual "working session on how churches
engage in public policy advocacy from our heritage
of faith," said the Rev. Dr. Albert Pennybacker, NCC
Associate General Secretary for Public Policy.
The conference committee's chair, the Rev. Dr.
Paul Sherry, President of the United Church of
Christ, said the goal of the nearly 60 participants
from the "mainline" churches is to build better
public pressure on national and state governments
"on critical issues facing our society."
Points that the group identified for common
work included the following:
On "Reducing Poverty":* Collection and
publication of research, including both hard data
and stories, on the "hidden" impact of welfare and
immigration reform. Advocates said their social
service organizations report increasingly heavy
demands for food assistance and growing despair
among persons losing public benefits. * The need
for much more job training, child care and
transportation assistance for persons moving off
welfare to work. * Active ecumenical support for
Hunger Has a Cure legislation.
"Giving people jobs that do not help them get
out of poverty must be challenged," Dr. Campbell
The group also agreed to accept a challenge put
to them at their opening session by U.S. Secretary
of Labor Alexis Herman. She urged mainline
Protestant and Orthodox churches to join the "No
Sweat" campaign against sweatshop-like conditions
especially in the U.S. garment industry. "You can
make an enormous contribution by just asking the
question" of under what condition the school
uniforms and other goods denominations and their
institutions use were made, she said.
On "Racial Justice": * Vigilance against, and
correction of, decisions on environment that
inordinately harm poor people and people of color.
* Advocacy for fair treatment of immigrants and
refugees. * Opposition to H.R. 1909, which was
described as the "federalization" of the anti-
affirmative action Proposition 209 approved in
California; * Pressure on the U.S. Senate to move
the Bill Lann Lee nomination as Assistant Attorney
General for Civil Rights forward to the full Senate
for confirmation, * Work to defeat Juvenile Repeat
Offenders Legislation, which is "punitive only" with
no rehabilitation component. * Perseverance in work
to educate, register and turn out voters.
Wade Henderson, Executive Director of the
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, addressed the
conference, and urged extension of the President's
Race Initiative through 2000. He also urged that
they give enforcement of existing civil rights laws
a top priority.
On "Religious Liberty": * Support of Religious
Freedom Restoration Acts at the state level, along
with a newly formulated federal "RFRA II." *
Support for and enforcement of the Employment Non-
Discrimination Act, which would protect workers
against discrimination because of their sexual
orientation. * Opposition for the "Istook
Amendment" to the Constitution. * Continued
advocacy for alternatives to the "Wolf-Spector"
religious persecution bill, which, they contended,
"could be extremely dangerous for our brothers and
sisters around the world." * Support for the
Workplace Religious Freedom Act.
On "Peace and Human Rights": * Continued work
for a ban on anti-personnel landmines. * Support of
the Jubilee 2000 campaign for debt relief for poor
nations. * U.S. payment of its dues to the United
Nations. * "New energy" to lift the embargo against
In general, the representatives encouraged an
active partnership with regional and local
ecumenical bodies. They took steps toward
appointing a planning group on advocacy-related
media strategy, and resolved to continue efforts to
rebuild a national advocacy network among the NCC's
member communions.
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