From the Worldwide Faith News archives
1998 Mission Yearbook Is Now Available
20 Dec 1997 16:44:51
1998 Mission Yearbook Is Now Available
by Jerry L. Van Marter
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--The 1998 edition of the "Mission Yearbook for Prayer and
Study," the most comprehensive and best-selling guide to Presbyterian
mission around the world, is now available.
The theme of the 1998 yearbook, taken from Romans 12:12, is "Rejoice in
hope." The book includes stories and photographs from hundreds of mission
sites in the United States and overseas. "Minutes for Mission" are
included on Sunday pages and each day's page includes prayer lists
highlighting synod, presbytery and General Assembly staff as well as
Presbyterian partner churches around the world and people in mission.
An added feature in 1998 is "Transforming Hearts and Minds," a 16-page
color insert focusing on the Presbyterian Church's initiative on the "Year
with Education." Historical and present-day photographs illustrate an
essay by renowned Presbyterian writer Vic Jameson on the denomination's
rich heritage in Christian, theological, public, higher and global
The 1998 "Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study" -- the 106th edition
-- is obtainable for $7.50 each, $6.50 each for 10 or more copies, plus
shipping, by calling Presbyterian Distribution Service at 1-800-524-2612.
The yearbook is product number PDS #70-350-98-450.
For more information contact Presbyterian News Service
phone 502-569-5504 fax 502-569-8073
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