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Criminal Justice Sunday Materials
20 Dec 1997 16:44:53
Criminal Justice Sunday Materials
Are Coming Off the Press
by Jerry L. Van Marter
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--Resource materials for 1998's Criminal Justice Sunday --
Feb. 8 -- were nearly ready as this issue of "NEWS BRIEFS" went to press.
The theme for 1998 is "Forgiveness and the Criminal Justice System,
Part 1." "Forgiveness, Part 2" is the theme for 1999 (Feb. 14). The
materials for 1998 urge that materials for both years be ordered and used
so the subject can be studied by congregations in more depth, according to
the Rev. Kathy Lancaster, associate for criminal justice in the National
Ministries Division here.
"Every year we make this request: `Tell us what you think. We welcome
your feedback, and we use it as future Program Guides are prepared. Send
us a copy of your order of worship, sermon, other material,'" Lancaster
writes in the 1998 guide. "This year I urge you to go beyond that and send
sermons, thoughts, liturgical material, first-person stories and more. ..."
The theme is intended to enable congregations to grapple with the
question of forgiveness in the context of the United States criminal
justice system. The Program Guide explains: "[There are] so many words,
articles, books about forgiveness -- and so many related to its vertical
dimension, God's unmerited forgiveness of us through Christ's atoning
sacrifice in his death and resurrection. Fewer relate to the horizontal,
person-to-person dimension of forgiveness. And far fewer relate to the
dynamics of forgiveness, sought or given, in the criminal justice system."
The Program Guide includes planning and action suggestions for
congregations, resources for worship, background readings and resources, a
suggested Minute for Mission and nomination information for the General
Assembly's 1998 Restorative Justice Award (deadline for nominations is
March 16, 1998).
More information about Criminal Justice Sunday and the Presbyterian
Church's criminal justice program is obtainable by calling the Rev. Kathy
Lancaster at (502) 569-5810.
For more information contact Presbyterian News Service
phone 502-569-5504 fax 502-569-8073
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