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Synod, General Assembly Executives Issue Pastoral Letter

Date 20 Dec 1997 16:48:39

    Synod, General Assembly Executives 
    Issue Pastoral Letter 
    Over the years, executives from agencies of the General Assembly and 
the executives of the sixteen synods have held regular meetings.  We have 
no charter as a group -- no official status as a body.  We are simply 
servants of the church who share a love for Jesus Christ and the 
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).  Our group, minus several whose schedules did 
not permit their attendance, held its semi-annual meeting November 19-21, 
    Our gatherings always include time for worship.  The biblical 
reflection at this meeting was centered on the fourth chapter of Ephesians. 
God spoke to us through Paul's words as he begs us "to lead a life worthy 
of the calling to which [we] have been called, with all humility and 
gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every 
effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Ephesians 
    A substantial part of our discussion focused on the manner in which the 
church is currently dealing with matters of fundamental importance to the 
life of our denomination.  We are concerned about the elevation of rhetoric 
and characterizations that are being used by many -- from all theological 
perspectives -- who, acting out of firmly held convictions, are saying and 
doing things in ways which make those with whom they disagree feel 
diminished and alienated. We believe that the tenor of the debate is 
distracting the church, as part of the body of Christ, from our mission and 
witness for the Lord. 
    We do not deny the sincerity or commitment of those who feel so 
passionately called to their positions -- or that fundamental precept of 
our understanding that "God alone is Lord of the 
conscience" ("Book of Order" G-1.0301a).  We pray, however, that all of us 
will be able to open our hearts and minds to the variety of gifts and 
perspectives that the Holy Spirit has nurtured within the people of God. 
It is time to pray for one another, corporately and individually, so that 
we can "be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as 
God in Christ has forgiven [us]" (Ephesians 4:32). 
    We write this letter out of a profound love for the Presbyterian Church 
(U.S.A.).  We commit ourselves to pray for, support, and walk with each 
other, and all those with whom we share ministry, as the church seeks to 
discern God's will for our life together.  Please join us in these efforts 
so that our ongoing witness in the world may increase in faithfulness, even 
as we sort through the issues which lie before us. 
Gary Skinner, Synod of Alaska-Northwest 
Lowelle Simms, Synod of the Covenant 
Margaret Thomas, Synod of Lakes and Prairies 
Verne E. Sindlinger, Synod of Lincoln Trails 
John L. Williams, Synod of Mid-America 
Philip H. Young, Synod of the Pacific 
Richard O. Wyatt, Synod of the Rocky Mountains 
John Niles Bartholomew, Synod of South Atlantic 
R. Stephen Jenks, Synod of Southern California and Hawaii 
Jane Odell, Synod of the Southwest 
Roberto Delgado, Synod of the Sun 
Thomas M. Johnston, Synod of The Trinity 
Clifton Kirkpatrick, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly 
John Detterick, Board of Pensions 
Larry D. Carr, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Foundation 
Kenneth G.Y. Grant, Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program 
Davis Perkins, Presbyterian Publishing Corporation 
Euncie B. Poethig, Congregational Ministries Division 
Curtis A., Kearns, National Ministries Division 
Marian McClure, Worldwide Ministries Division 
Robert McKee, Technology and Finance Office 
Gary W. Luhr, Associate Director for Communication 

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