From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Are Theological Views Irreconcilable?

From (United Methodist News list)
Date 05 Feb 1998 16:09:29

Reply-to: (United Methodist News list)
"UNITED METHODIST DAILY NEWS 97" by SUSAN PEEK on April 15, 1997 at 14:24

Note 590 by UMNS on Feb. 5, 1998 at 17:19 Eastern (3657 characters).

CONTACT: 	Thomas S. McAnally			63(10-21-71B){590}
Nashville, Tenn. (615)742-5470	Feb. 5, 1998

Good News board suggests theological
differences in church "irreconcilable"

by United Methodist News Service

	Theological differences in the United Methodist Church might be
"irreconcilable," says the governing board of the denomination's evangelical
The 40-member board released its statement of concern in advance of the second
dialogue on theological diversity within the church. That dialogue session is
set for Feb. 19-20 in Dallas.
	Following the Good News annual board meeting in Wilmore, Ky., Jan. 28-30,
staff executive James V. Heidinger II, issued a two-page release suggesting
that the chasm between liberals and conservatives threatens to split the
	At a meeting to discuss theological diversity -- held in Nashville, Nov.
10-21 -- a 22-member group generally agreed with an analysis made by Bishop
Judith Craig about two "divergent world views" in the church.
	People with the first view believe "God is still unfolding truths that have
not yet been disclosed and live comfortably with a wide variety of
convictions," said Craig, who heads the church's Ohio East Area.
Those in the second group "need to have delineated an understanding of God's
intent," she said.
	Participants in the diversity dialogue are equally divided between liberals
and conservatives. Sponsoring the dialogues is the denomination's New
York-based Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns.
	Referring to the theological dichotomy described by Craig, Heidinger said,
"If God is still 'revealing' new truth to us as some church leaders believe,
then there is no established doctrine or moral guideline that cannot be
superseded by a newer, more recent 'revelation'."
	Speaking for the Good News board, Heidinger said the controversy over
sexuality is only one part of the larger debate.  
"The more foundational struggle is between the Lordship of Christ as attested
to in Scripture versus a faith that accommodates and reformulates itself to
the spirit of the age," he said. "The Good News board believes these two views
cannot continue to co-exist in any church which hopes to remain true to the
apostolic faith."
He said board members reported receiving more and more comments from concerned
church members asking "not whether it (division) will happen, but when."
The board expressed concern that an Omaha, Neb., pastor going to a church
trial for conducting a union ceremony for two lesbians may be acquitted on a
The Rev. Jimmy Creech, pastor of First United Methodist Church, conducted the
ceremony in September against the advice of Nebraska Bishop Joel Martinez. No
date has been set for the church trial. 
The 1996 General Conference approved a statement saying "ceremonies that
celebrate homosexual unions shall not be conducted by our ministers and shall
not be conducted in our churches." The General Conference is the
top-legislative body of the church. It meets every four years and sets
official policy.
In other action, the Good News board:
· endorsed "The Christian Women's Declaration," a document produced by an
ecumenical coalition that calls women to affirm a "positive Christian
alternative to radical feminist ideology";
· affirmed Mission America, an evangelical effort to reach every American with
the Gospel by the year 2000;
· named Faye Short of Cornelia, Ga., president of the RENEW Network for Women.

	The Rev. William Hines, senior minister of St. Marks United Methodist Church
in Findlay, Ohio, is chairman of the Good News board.
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