From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Theological Student Advisory Delegates

Date 21 Apr 1998 10:05:23

    Theological Student Advisory Delegates 
Auburn Seminary 
    TSAD Lindley Degarmo 
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary 
    TSAD Ernie Gardner 
    TSAD Kay Roberts 
Colgate-Rochester Divinity School 
    None reported at this time. 
Columbia Theological Seminary 
    TSAD Victor Feliberty-Ruberte 
    TSAD Joan Quinn 
University of Dubuque Theological Seminary 
    TSAD Tracee Hackel 
Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico 
    None reported at this time. 
Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary 
    TSAD SanDawna Ashley 
    TSAD Lawrence Willis 
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary 
    TSAD Kathleen Robertson King 
    TSAD Joel Weible 
McCormick Theological Seminary 
    TSAD Susan Price 
    TSAD Joy Myers 
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary 
    TSAD John Bower III 
Presbyterian School of Christian Education 
    TSAD Sung Hee Chang 
Princeton Theological Seminary 
    TSAD Pamela Jacobi 
    TSAD Paul Barrett 
San Francisco Theological Seminary 
    TSAD Beth Hessel 
    TSAD Wendy Komori 
Union Theological Seminary in Virginia 
    TSAD Ben Burrows 
    TSAD Amelia Canon 

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