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Lutheran youth in Africa to build own networks

Date 17 Apr 1998 11:09:08

Consultation presents action plan

OKAHANDJA, Namibia/GENEVA, 16 April 1998 (lwi) - Young Africans plan to
build their own youth networks in future, within the present structures of
the three subregions. This was decided by an African Lutheran youth
consultation held in Okahandja, Namibia March 21-28. The consultation was
organized by the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Department for Mission and
Development Youth Desk. Twenty-two young people from 21 African LWF member
churches participated.

Important areas for youth work, as identified by the participants in an
action plan titled "An Open Door for Networking", include issues of
education and training, financing of youth work and its projects and
programs, the marginalization of youth particularly at decision-making
levels of churches, HIV/Aids, abuse of women and children as well as drug
abuse, communication and the spread of information, religious practices in
traditional African religions, problems of unemployment and career choices.

While youth are already accepted as co-workers in the Lutheran Communion in
Western Africa (LUCWA), efforts are to be made towards similar
participation in the Lutheran Communion in Central and Eastern Africa
(LUCCEA) and the Lutheran Communion in Southern Africa (LUCSA). In
addition, communication among the youth networks of the three subregions is
to be strengthened, according to the consultation's action plan.

*       *       *
Lutheran World Information
Editorial Assistant: Janet Bond-Nash

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