From the Worldwide Faith News archives

'Apportionments' represent ministries around the world

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
Date 03 Apr 1998 07:39:16

April 2, 1998	CONTACT: Thomas S. McAnally, (615) 742-5470 Nashville,
Tenn.    {202}
NOTE:  This may be used as a sidebar with UMNS #201.

Traditionally, United Methodists have considered themselves part of a
"connection" around the world, supporting mission and ministry through
what have become known as "apportionments."

Of the average dollar given in the United Methodist Church, 81.2 cents
is kept in the local church, and 14.3 cents goes to regional ministries
in the district, annual (regional) conference and multistate
jurisdictions in which the local church is located. Only 4.5 cents goes
to national and international ministries, three cents of which is
apportioned giving.

The General Conference, representing 1,000 delegates from around the
world, meets every four years and approves programs and ministries. The
support needed for those ministries is "apportioned" to each of the 66
annual conferences in the United States. Each annual conference then
adds to those apportionments the financial needs in the jurisdiction,
annual conference and district.

This total apportionment request is passed along to each local church.
The amount requested of each church is determined by a formula that
weighs such factors as membership and local budget.

The "connection" supporting worldwide ministries includes about 37,000
local congregations in the United States. Ministries supported by
churchwide apportionments include 14 agencies that provide a wide
variety of services; expenses of bishops; cooperative work with other
Christian groups; education of ministers; historically black colleges
and universities; a new university in Africa; and a worldwide network of
persons in mission.

The World Service Fund, one of the apportioned categories, is considered
the primary source of support for ministry. It represents the minimum
needs of the churchwide agencies. Payment in full of the apportionments
for the World Service Fund by local churches and annual conferences is,
according to the denomination's Book of Discipline, "the first
benevolent responsibility of the Church."

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