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Maine lawyer's estate leaves Meharry generous gift

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
Date 03 Apr 1998 07:52:57

April 2, 1998	CONTACT: Linda Green, (615)742-5470 Nashville, Tenn.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) -- United Methodist-related Meharry Medical
College, here, is the recipient of a $1.2 million bequest from an
attorney who died in 1990.

The medical college learned of the gift in December after the estate of
Lewis Orlo Williams of Springvale, Maine, was settled.

"This generous gift from the late Mr. Williams is a significant addition
to the continued support that Meharry Medical College receives from
people across the country who believe in the value of what we do and the
quality of education we provide," said Meharry President John E. Maupin

Meharry, renowned for training 15 percent of the nation's
African-American physicians, received notice late last year that it was
one of four beneficiaries in William's will. The 122-year-old academic
health center, the only professional school related to the United
Methodist Church, is exclusively dedicated to educating health care
professionals and biomedical scientists.  

Officials did not announce receipt of the gift in December because they
were trying to determine what relationship the donor had to the medical

Williams, who practiced law for 50 years prior to his death, became
involved with the medical school through its annual fund direct mail
campaign. Between 1979 and 1985 he sent modest gifts totaling $1,125.
His gift of $1.2 million came in December when his estate was dissolved
after the death of his wife Francis.

Maupin called Williams "a true Meharrian" because he chose to support
the medical school in helping Americans achieve a higher level of
humanity through quality health care for everyone. "We greatly
appreciate his gift," he said.

Others receiving bequests from Williams are: Springvale Public Library,
$3.6 million; Sweetser Children's Service, Saco, Maine, $1.2 million;
Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Ore.,
$1.2 million.

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