From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Talks Between Korean Presbyterian Church in America and PC(USA)
04 Apr 1998 16:52:40
Talks Between Korean Presbyterian Church in America
and PC(USA) Go Well
by Jerry L. Van Marter
TORRANCE, Calif.-Steady progress is being reported by representatives on
the Joint Committee on Presbyterian Cooperation between the Presbyterian
Church (U.S.A.) and the Korean Presbyterian Church in America (KPCA).
The joint committee, formally authorized by the 209th General Assembly
(1997), met at First Presbyterian Church here Feb. 23-24. Previous
meetings between representatives of the PC(USA) and the KPCA were held in
1993 and 1997.
PC(USA) representatives on the Joint Committee include the Rev. Hun J.
Cho of Silver Spring, Md.; Daisy Cynn of Charlotte, N.C.; the Rev. Syngman
Rhee of Richmond, Va.; Atlanta Brown of Wilmington, Del.; Youngil Cho of
Raleigh, N.C.; the Rev. Howard Kang of Wilmette, Ill.; Edward S. Kiel of
Glen Ridge, N.J.; the Rev. Clifton Kirkpatrick of Louisville, Ky.; Joung
Hee Lee of Davis, Calif.; and the Rev. Virginia B. Smith of Chicago.
Staff services to the joint committee are provided by the Rev. Eugene
Turner, director of the Department of Governing Bodies, Ecumenical and
Agency Relationships in the Office of the General Assembly; the Rev. Insik
Kim, coordinator for East Asia/Pacific in the Worldwide Ministries
Division; and the Rev. Sun Bai Kim, associate for Korean Congregational
Enhancement in the Racial Ethnic Ministries Program Area of the National
Ministries Division.
The Korean Presbyterian Church in America is a denomination of
Korean-language Presbyterian congregations in the United States. It is a
member of the National Council of Churches as well as the World Alliance of
Reformed Churches.
Though the PC(USA) and KPCA have common roots and emotional ties that
are the legacy of their mission history dating back to 1884, many Korean
Presbyterian immigrants to the United States in the early 1970s experienced
considerable difficulty becoming a part of PC(USA) congregations.
Of the Korean Presbyterian congregations that have been established in
the United States, 330 congregations with 40,000 communicant members are
with the PC(USA) and 300 congregations with 30,000 members, including
Canada and Latin America, are with KPCA. In addition, several smaller
Korean Presbyterian denominations have been established in North America.
Exploration of unification between the PC(USA) and the KPCA were
launched by the PC(USA) in 1992, when the 204th General Assembly approved a
report asking " the Korean Presbyterian Church in America to name members
to a Joint Committee on Presbyterian Cooperation with an equal number of
members from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to foster greater joint
witness between our two churches and to explore the possibility of eventual
union between the two denominations."
The Joint Committee first met April 12-14, 1993, in Louisville to
develop and shape the work of the committee in exploring common concerns
and joint cooperation in mission and ministry.
The Joint Committee, hosted by KPCA, met again - in Los Angeles in
February 1997 - and worked in three subcommittees: Ministries and
Education; Global Mission and Peace, Justice and Reunification; and Polity
and Partnership.
At its most recent meeting, the Joint Committee reviewed agreements of
the previous consultations and worked to develop practical ideas and
suggestions for cooperation between the two churches.
In the global mission area, the Committee agreed to explore ways to
work cooperatively in orientation of mission personnel, three-way mission
support and sharing of information. In response to the current famine in
North Korea, the committee agreed to work together to raise food aid and to
conduct a joint visit to North Korea in the near future.
In the ministry and education work area, the committee agreed to
strengthen the current joint editing program of the Korean Adult Bible
Discovery curriculum and to develop jointly a Ku-Yeok (District) Bible
Study program beginning in 1999. The Committee also agreed to encourage
participation of KPCA ministers in PC(USA) continuing education programs.
Polity and partnership subcommittee discussions focused on the creation
of union presbyteries. Five members of each denomination were appointed to
a task force to pursue the matter further.
PC(USA) representatives on the task force include Kirkpatrick, Rhee,
Youngil Cho, Kang and Lee.
The task force has agreed to hold its first meeting in Chicago in
October, and the next Joint Committee meeting will be hosted by KPCA in Los
Angeles, February 20-23, 1999.
For more information contact Presbyterian News Service
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