From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Theological Education Fund Reaches All-Time High

Date 04 Apr 1998 17:25:27

    Theological Education Fund Reaches All-Time High 
    by Jerry L. Van Marter 
LOUISVILLE, Ky.-Contributions to the  Theological Education Fund (TEF) 
reached an all-time high in 1997. 
    Gifts to TEF last year totaled $2,554,275 - a 5.58 percent increase 
over 1996. 
    Also called the "1% Plan," the TEF seeks gifts from congregations 
totaling 1 percent of their total receipts. TEF funds are distributed to 11 
PC(USA)-related seminaries by the Committee on Theological Education. 
    According to Douglas Oldenburg, president of Columbia Theological 
Seminary and chair of the Committee on Theological Education (COTE), TEF 
funds are critically important to the theological institutions.  "COTE 
extends its thanks to all the churches that gave this year for their 
partnership in this important effort," he said.  "We also wish to express 
our gratitude to all the volunteer TEF resource persons who promote the 1% 
Plan in their presbyteries. This wouldn't have happened without their good 
work," Oldenburg added. 
    "This is cause for celebration," said Patsy Godwin, associate for 
theological school support in the Presbyterian Church's Office of 
Theological Education.  "Since the establishment of the new plan in the 
late 1980s, Presbyterians have gradually come to understand that TEF is now 
the only churchwide means of supporting the operation of our theological 
seminaries. Our schools must continue to build strong congregation-based 
support to effectively carry out their mission of educating and preparing 
ministry personnel and lay leadership for the PC(USA.) " 
    Twenty percent of the congregations in the PC(USA) gave to TEF in 1997. 
COTE has set a goal of doubling the number of congregations participating 
in the TEF in the next three years. 
    For more information about how a congregation can participate in the 
Theological Education Fund, contact Patsy Godwin in the Office of 
Theological Education at 1-800-752-6594. 

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