From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Indonesian Methodists help during economic crisis
NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
28 Apr 1998 13:41:27
April 28, 1998 Contact: Linda Bloom·(212) 870-3803·New York {262}
STAMFORD, Conn. (UMNS) - Despite its own funding problems, the Methodist
Church in Indonesia is helping others affected by that country's
economic downturn.
The church has been distributing basic necessities, such as rice, to the
unemployed, said Bishop Humala Doloksaribu, speaking to directors of the
United Methodist Board of Global Ministries during the April 20-23
meeting here.
Indonesia's economic crisis has affected 85 percent of its factories and
stores, with the unemployment rate at 20 percent and rising, according
to the bishop. Inflation has caused some prices to jump as much as 400
percent. The cost of milk, for example, has increased 200 percent.
Pastors have seen their own salaries decrease, Doloksaribu said, and no
funds are available to pay salaries at the Methodist seminary, which is
threatened with closure.
However, the bishop believes the economic situation will improve
eventually. "This is a temporary crisis because my country is a very
rich country - rich with many resources," he said.
The Methodist Church in Indonesia, known as the Gereja Methodist
Indonesia, also has other schools, a hospital and several clinics.
Currently, there are 276 churches, 248 preaching posts, 157 ordained
pastors and hundreds of lay speakers. They serve more than 40,000 full
members and another 50,000 potential members.
The bishop thanked directors for the board's regular financial aid and
asked for their prayers. He also left them a typewritten appeal for
$200,000 in emergency funds, which would be used for basic necessities,
medicine and agricultural needs in the church's 10 districts.
United Methodist News Service
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