From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Church of the Brethren NOAC Notes
Church of the Brethren News Services
01 Sep 1998 18:39:26
Date: Sept. 1, 1998
Contact: Nevin Dulabaum
V: 847/742-5100 F: 847/742-6103
(NOAC Notes is produced for the Church of the Brethren National
Older Adult Conference by Fred Swartz. Updates from NOAC are being
posted daily to
Registrations Slightly Higher Than Previous Conference
A registration count at day's end yesterday indicated there are
1,010 participants at this week's National Older Adult Conference.
That number is expected to rise before Friday, making this the
largest of the biennial events that began in 1992. In fact,
attendance at NOAC has grown progressively since 621 registered for
the first one. There were 846 at NOAC II in 1994, and 1,004 at the
last event in 1996. All of the conferences have been held at Lake
NOAC Notes conducted a registration exit interview to find out why
people came to this NOAC. Following are samples of responses --
* Marlin Dunmire, McVeytown, Pa.: "Four years ago was our
first NOAC and we just enjoyed it so much we wanted to
come back again."
* Eugene Lichty, McPherson, Kan.: "We were here two times and
we missed the last time and we thought this might be the
last time, so we thought we'd better come this
time....When you reach 77 you don't buy green bananas!"
* Wilma Anderson, Fort Wayne, Ind.: "Because we liked it so
much the first time we came...six years ago (to the first
* Jo Wampler, Mountain City, Tenn.:"I guess just force of
habit. I was here once before and I decided I would come
back again. Last time I was just getting acquainted with
where things were. This time I figured I would have more
fun because I'd kind of know where things are and why it
was organized."
* Willard Ressler, LaVerne, Calif. "Partly because it's my job
to work with older adults and partly because I love the
time here. I've been to every one."
Offerings For ABC Ministry Continue
The offering received in last night's worship service was $3,597.15
and as of this morning $4.52 had been placed in the ABC "bottles."
The bottles will remain throughout the week. Please give
generously every time you pass one.
Alvin Jackson Tells Conference "Claim Your Inheritance...."
It may seem a little strange to tell a crowd of "senior" citizens
to claim their inheritance, but that's what last night's keynote
speaker, Dr. Alvin O. Jackson, did. Jackson, senior pastor of
National City Christian Church, Washington, D.C., told the NOAC
audience that "you are born and raised by God," and that their
"inheritance" was God's love and grace. When persons claim that
inheritance and are "embraced" by it, then "you have a ticket on
the right flight to heaven," he said.
Jackson cited Jesus' reference to the two laws, "total commitment
to God and love of neighbor as yourself," as the basis for all
Proponent Of Storytelling Will Address Conference On Aging
Tomorrow morning's general session speaker, Lynn W. Huber, is a
proponent of telling and listening to one another's stories. A
leader of programs for the aging in the Episcopal Church, she will
address NOAC at 10:30 a.m. in Stuart Auditorium on "Spirituality
and Aging."
Also continuing tomorrow morning is the Bible Study hour, 9:00
a.m., with Dr. Walter Burghardt.
White Water Tour Leaves At Earlier Time Thursday
Sixty people are signed up to take the white water rafting trip on
the Nantahala River Thursday! Tour organizers Wendell and Sonja
Eller indicate that not all of those who pre-registered for the
tour have stopped by the Information Center to confirm their
places. That needs to be done as soon as possible or the places
may be given to others.
The adventurers are to please note that the tour will leave from
the front of the Terrace Hotel at 11:45 a.m. on Thursday, not 1:00
p.m. as printed in the Booklet. Box lunches will be ready to go at
that time, as well.
Tomorrow Final Day For Conference Bookstore
The Bookstore exhibit, including Association of Brethren Caregivers
materials, Brethren Press items, and On Earth Peace Assembly
resources, will be open tomorrow between twelve noon and five p.m.,
then the exhibit will be transformed into a special Resource Fair
on Thursday, 1:30-3:30 p.m. In addition to many exhibits, the
Resource Fair will feature dramatic presentations in a theater
The drawing for the airline tickets to be given away by the Mutual
Aid Association will be during the fair. Anyone can register for
the drawing at the Bookstore.
NOAC Tapes And Videos Available
Audio and video tapes of NOAC speakers are available for purchase
24 hours after each event. The tapes are on sale in the Conference
Bookstore through 5:00 p.m. tomorrow, then they will be sold
Thursday and Friday in Stuart Auditorium. Audio cassette tapes at
$7; videotapes $12. In addition to all celebrations, Bible
studies, general sessions, and entertainment speakers, there will
be a short wrap-up video produced.
Web Site Carrying NOAC Journal
The Brethren Web site, produced by Nevin Dulabaum, is daily beaming
back to Brethren homes news and features of NOAC 98. You can see
Web pictures posted near the Message Board outside the Information
Center, Harrell second floor.
Also, (the Web site handle) is selecting people
each day whose names or pictures are "caught" in the Web.
Monday's winners were: Claire Hartsough, Larry Glick, Geneva
O'Cull, Betty Lou Myers, Ruth Davidson Clark, Margaret Norton, Mel
Myers, David Sollenberger, Carol Valencourt, and Roy Valencourt.
Congratulations, you're on Cosmic Camera!
An Item You Can (or can't!) Bite Into
If you have lost an item while here at NOAC, you might check to see
if it was found and turned in to the Lost and Found Box at the
Information Center. Among the items that have been turned in so
far is a perfectly good set of bottom dentures!
The Information Center also is a good place to take your questions,
suggestions, and concerns. It is open all day and after evening
Brethren College Alumni Gatherings Tonight On Terrace Third Floor
The Brethren College Alumni Gatherings, tonight at 9, will all be
held on the third floor of the Terrace Hotel. First, everyone is
to go to the dining room to make their own ice cream sundaes, then
go to the respective college rooms. Room numbers and hosts, by
college are --
* Manchester, Room 319, Ed Cable;
* Bridgewater, Room 316, Gene Bowman Johnson;
* Elizabethtown, Room 305A, Bill and Kitty Puffenberger;
* Juniata, Room 305B, Clem Rosenberger;
* McPherson, Room 305C, Hudson and Bonnie Sadd;
* LaVerne, Dining Room, Donald Clague.
Bring Bibles To Interest Session
Dale Brown, leader of tomorrow's Interest Group on Brethren and
Politics (Lambeth, Gilbert Room 100), requests that all persons
attending that session please bring a Bible.
Update On Recreational Activities
Swimming in the Junaluska Pool is free to NOAC participants. Just
show your name badge or room key for admission, 3:00-6:00 p.m.
Tai Chi exercises will be tomorrow and Thursday afternoons, 2:30
p.m., in the lounge/lobby area of the Terrace Hotel, Second Floor.
Nature Walk with Dr. Fred Wampler will meet in front of the Harrell
Center tomorrow, 2:30 p.m.
The Bird Hike with Max Carpenter will meet tomorrow, 2:30 p.m.,
Harrell Center Front Porch.
Deacons Providing Water Breaks
Members of the Denominational Deacon Cabinet are providing cold
water breaks outside of the auditorium during general sessions as
a symbol of the deacon ministry of hospitality.
Where To Get Mail, Leave Messages
Any incoming mail can be picked up at the following locations. For
those who are residing in Terrace and Lambuth your mail will be at
the lobby desk. All others can get mail in the Information Center,
If you wish to get a message to someone here at NOAC, feel free to
use the Message Board in the breezeway outside the Information
Center. Be sure to check the Board for your own messages!
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