From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Where Is the Moderator?
03 Nov 1998 20:07:32
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Where Is the Moderator?
by Jerry L. Van Marter
LOUISVILLE, Ky.-The Moderatorial Staff Services department of the Office of
the General Assembly has released the following November itinerary for
General Assembly moderator the Rev. Douglas W. Oldenburg:
Nov. 1: LaGrande, Ore. - LaGrande Presbyterian Church (preach)
Eastern Oregon Presbytery
3: Meridian, Idaho - Meridian NCD
Boise, Idaho - Boise Prebytery
4: Burley, Idaho - Kendall Presbytery
5: Denver, Colo. - Covenant Network of Presbyteries Conference
7: Ruidoso, N.M. - Sierra Blanca Presbytery "Festival"
10: Coshocton, Ohio - Muskingum Valley Presbytery (including
visits to College of Wooster, and Muskingum College)
13-15: Louiville, Ky. - Moderators' Conference on Interpreting
the Bible
15: Greenville, S.C. - Fourth Presbyterian Church, Greenville
16: Ft. Worth, Texas - Committee on Local Arrangements Worship
17: Seattle, Wash. - Presbytery of Seattle
18: Tacoma, Wash. - University Place Presbyterian Church
19: Aberdeen, Wash. - Presbytery of Olympia
21: New York, N.Y. - Presbytery of New York City
22: Philadelphia - First Presbyterian Church (preach)
23: Washington, D.C. - National Interfaith Convocation
24: Atlanta - Greater Atlanta Presbytery
29: Charlotte, N.C. - Covenant Presbyterian Church (preach)
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