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NCCCUSA General Assembly Nov. 11-13
05 Nov 1998 14:40:39
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
Contact: NCC News, 212-870-2252
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National Council of Churches' Executive Board Nov.
Contact: NCC News Department through 11/6: 212-870-
Carol Fouke c/o Holiday Inn 11/9-13: 847-
Newsroom at General Assembly 11/11-13:
For documentation and news online, follow
the "1998 General
Assembly" link from: (NCC Website)
International, 5440 North River Road, Rosemont,
Illinois (Reservations: 1-888-OHARE-HI)
WHO: The 270-member General Assembly meets annually.
It is the primary legislative body of the NCC, whose
34 Protestant and Orthodox member denominations
have, in turn, 52 million congregants. Founded in
1950, the NCC is the nation's leading ecumenical
organization and the locus for a wide array of
ministries, including humanitarian assistance
(through Church World Service), justice ministries,
interfaith dialogue, education and the pursuit of
greater Christian unity. (The NCC's 50-member
Executive Board is a high-level "subset" of the
Monday, Nov. 9, at 2:30 p.m. -- Ecumenical
Discernment: "Sanctions as Foreign Policy: Ethical
and Theological Considerations" led by Mia Adjali
(United Methodist) and Dennis Frado (Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America). NCC/Church World
Service and Witness study paper on sanctions also
to be presented at 10:45 a.m. session Thursday
during the General Assembly.
Tuesday, Nov. 10, from 3:15 to 5:15 p.m. -- Teach-
In on the Pillars of Peace for the 21st Century.
The original "Pillars of Peace," adopted by
churches in 1942, were instrumental in the
founding of the United Nations. A proposed new NCC
policy on the United Nations is based on the new
pillars (first of two readings, 10:45 a.m. session
Wednesday, Nov. 11, 10 a.m. -- Reception and
seating of the NCC's 35th member communion, the
American Diocese of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian
Church, and vote on eligibility for membership of
The Alliance of Baptists, which began as the
Southern Baptist Alliance, a movement within the
Southern Baptist Convention, in 1987 and has since
separated and renamed itself.
Wednesday, Nov. 11, 10:45 a.m. session -- Second
(final) reading, proposed NCC Policy Statement on
the Churches and Disabilities.
Wednesday, Nov. 11, 10:45 a.m. session -- Plenary
on "Public Education: An Ecumenical Calling."
Guest Speaker David W. Hornbeck, Superintendent of
Schools, Philadelphia, who is expected to make a
major announcement. First reading (of two),
proposed NCC Policy Statement on Public Education.
Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2:30 p.m. -- Greetings from
the National Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2:45 p.m. -- "A Presentation
and Dialogue on Pentecostalism Today," with
special guest Dr. David Daniels, a minister in the
Church of God in Christ and Professor of Church
History, McCormick Theological Seminary.
Wednesday, Nov. 11, 7:30 p.m., First United
Methodist Church, Evanston -- Celebration of the
World Council of Churches' 50th Anniversary. The
WCC's Second Assembly took place in Evanston in
1954. About 20 representatives of judicatories in
Northern Illinois will participate in the
procession. Primary liturgist will be Bishop
Vinton Anderson, African Methodist Episcopal
Church, the first WCC President from an historic
Black church. The Rev. Dr. Emilio Castro, former
General Secretary of the WCC, will preach.
Thursday, Nov. 12, 7 a.m. -- State-Local
Ecumenical/Interfaith Breakfast. Focused on
ecumenical/interfaith leadership and
organization. The 1998 Ecumenical/Interfaith
Service Award recipients (see Thursday 3:50 p.m.)
will be featured in a discussion of "best
practices" and models.
Thursday, Nov. 12, 9:45 a.m. -- Proposed NCC
Interfaith Relations Policy Statement (first of
two readings).
Thursday, Nov. 12, 10:45 a.m. session --
Presentations and resolutions on global concerns,
including global debt (Jubilee 2000/Debt
Cancellation resolution), proposed NCC policy
"Pillars of Peace for the 21st Century" (United
Nations) (first of two readings), and sanctions
(Church World Service and Witness Study Paper on
the Humanitarian Impact of Economic Sanctions).
Thursday, Nov. 12, Noon -- Greetings by the Rev.
Dr. Gwynne Guibord, National Ecumenical Officer of
the United States, Universal Fellowship of
Metropolitan Community Churches. Dr. Guibord is
expected to address the issue of violence against
gay and lesbian people.
Thursday, Nov. 12, Lunch -- Africa Reflections
luncheon featuring partners from South Africa,
Togo and Kenya. Mr. David Kamau, National Council
of Churches of Kenya; Mr. Nelson Kumodzi,
Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Togo, and the
Rev. White Rakuba, South African Council of
Churches, also will bring greetings to the
Assembly at 5:20 p.m. Thursday.
Thursday, Nov. 12, 3:50 p.m. -- Ecumenical
Interfaith Service Recognition Awards.
Friday, Nov. 13, 7 a.m. -- Interfaith Relations
Breakfast featuring Curtis Zunigha, a consultant
on communications, public relations and
governmental policy. He is a lecturer and
political activist whose career pursuits have
centered on the world of the American Indian.
Friday, Nov. 13, 10:15 a.m. -- Ecclesiology Study
Implementation. Report on Orthodox Consultation
(Bishop Dimitrios), Report on the
Lutheran/Reformed Church Agreement (the Rev. Dr.
Cynthia Campbell, President, McCormick Theological
Friday, Nov. 13, 11 a.m. -- Report of NCC
delegation to China, led by Ambassador Andrew
Young, NCC President Elect.
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