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Washington Office Will Hold Two Legislative Briefings in 1999
09 Nov 1998 20:08:26
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Washington Office Will Hold
Two Legislative Briefings in 1999
by Jerry L. Van Marter
LOUISVILLE, Ky.-The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Washington Office will
sponsor two legislative briefings in 1999 as part of its "Witness in
Washington" program for Presbyterians involved in justice and peacemaking
ministries in their congregation and presbytery.
The first briefing, April 25-28, will address issues of economic
justice and will be a cooperative event co-sponsored by more than 25 faith
groups. The goal is to empower both new and experienced advocates - young
adults, activists, religious leaders - at all levels of society to
take leadership in the transformation of public policy.
The gathering will engage in discussion with members of Congress,
congressional staff, Administration officials and policy experts with a
view to becoming voices for justice in the nation's capital.
Special programs will include young adult training, advocacy skills
development, media and communications, networking, issue workshops,
denominational gatherings, and racial/ethnic/sexual minority caucus
meetings. Scholarships will be available.
The second briefing, entitled "Presbyterian Public Policy Advocacy,"
will be held Sept. 19-21. With the new U.S. Congress having convened in
January, the briefing will lift up Presbyterian General Assembly
perspectives and positions on critical issues facing our nation.
The briefing will focus on such controversial domestic and
international issues as work, wages and welfare; health care reform; child
care; tax equity; public education (vouchers); environmental safeguards;
Social Security reform; U.S. involvement in the United Nations; U.S.
military policy; religious persecution abroad; and U.S. foreign aid.
Presbyterian issue specialists, Presbyterian members of Congress, White
House staff, congressional staff and federal agency executives will lead
discussions on these and other issues.
In addition, participants will study techniques for building grassroots
support for advocacy on important national issues. Time is set aside for
individual church members to meet with their own members of Congress
following the briefing.
More information about these briefings and other programs of the
Presbyterian Washington Office is available by calling Douglas Grace,
associate for program development at (202) 543-1126.
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