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More Help Sought as Disaster Officials Respond

Date 19 Nov 1998 20:05:23

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    More Help Sought as Disaster Officials 
    Respond to Hurricane Mitch Devastation 
    by Evan Silverstein 
LOUISVILLE, Ky.-Helping to organize medical and construction teams is the 
next form assistance to hurricane-ravaged  Central America will take as 
Presbyterian disaster officials continue to help the region rebuild, nail 
by nail. 
    Donations of food and money continue to be accepted as well for victims 
of Hurricane Mitch, as General Assembly moderator the Rev. Doug Oldenburg 
continues to urge Presbyterians to pledge funds.  Cash donations can most 
easily be made by using a credit card and calling PresbyTel at 
    Medical Assistance - Don Sibley, a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) member, 
was sent to Honduras Nov. 15 by Church World Service to work with the 
Christian Commission for Development (CCD) in receiving medical teams over 
the next several weeks. Medical workers interested  in doing volunteer work 
should call the Presbyterian Mission Recruitment office at 1-800-779-6779 
for an application. 
    Construction Teams-The CCD in Honduras will be ready to receive work 
teams starting in late January. Churches interested in sending work teams 
should contact Aaron Doll, the volunteer mission team coordinator for 
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Doll can be reached at (502) 569-5837. 
Applications for participating on the teams can also be obtained by calling 
PresbyTel at 1-800-872-3283. 
    Food Donations-PDA is accepting donations in the form of food as well. 
The request from the region has been for rice, beans, powdered milk and 
cooking oil. The food must be in bulk (5,000 pounds or more) and packaged 
in units of 50-100 pounds. Contact PDA if you have a potential donation of 
such a quantity. Smaller quantities cannot be shipped. 
    Other Needs-There's urgent need for the following items, which cannot 
be purchased in Central America. Requested items are six four-wheel-drive 
pickup trucks, two 15-passenger minivans, and one heavy truck. Layette and 
health kits are still needed at the Church World Service warehouse. 
    More Information-Consult the PDA Web site for further details on relief 
aid to Central America at 
(Information for this story was also gathered by Presbyterian Disaster 

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