From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Notes about People
09 Dec 1998 20:10:40
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Notes about People
by Jerry L. Van Marter
Elizabeth Duncan Hodges died Thanksgiving Day in Huntsville, Ala. A
lifelong Presbyterian, she is the mother of the Rev. Houston Hodges, editor
of Monday Morning Magazine. A service of witness to the resurrection was
held Dec. 2 in Huntsville and another service will be held at the First
Presbyterian Church of Littlefield, Texas, where Hodges and her husband,
Allen, lived and published the town's semi-weekly newspaper from 1945 to
1953. Memorial gifts may be made to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Foundation, 200 E. 12th St., Jeffersonville, IN 47130. The family has
asked that the gifts be undesignated.
# # #
Julia Hudson, a long-time head teacher at John Hyson School, a
Presbyterian mission school in Chimayo, N.M., has been named in the fifth
addition of "Who's Who Among America's Teachers, 1998."
All of the teachers being honored were selected by former students who
themselves are listed in the "Who's Who Among American High School
Students" or the "National Dean's List" publications. "In this publication
we clearly have the best teachers in America selected by the
best students," said Paul Krouse, publisher of "Who's Who Among America's
John Hyson School serves children from pre-school through third grade
in the mountain village of Chimayo in northern New Mexico. The school was
started in 1900 by women of the
Presbyterian Church, with a gift of $600 from Miss Alice Hyson, a teacher
at the Presbyterian School in Ranchos de Taos, NM. John Hyson School
functioned under mission agencies of the General Assembly until being
transferred in 1970 to the Menaul School, Albuquerque. The
school continues to be supported by mission giving from congregations and
individuals and through the Christmas Offering for Racial-Ethnic Schools
(through Menaul).
# # #
The Rev. John F. Schultz, a Presbyterian minister and member of the
Presbytery of the James in Richmond, Va., has been elected president of the
Christian Children's Fund (CCF).
The CCF is an international non-profit child development organization
that provides long-term assistance to more than 2.5 million impoverished
children in 31 countries. It has delivered more than $1.6 billion in
assistance to children around the world since its founding in 1938.
Schultz, a native of North Carolina, has served Presbyterian churches
in Indiana, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Virginia. He has been on the
staff of CCF since 1990. Prior to that, Schultz worked for Church World
Service, the relief and development arm of the National Council of
Churches, for 14 years.
# # #
A hymn - "The Storm Came to Honduras -- written by the Rev. Carolyn
Winfrey Gillette, co-pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Pitman, N.J.,
is attracting nationwide attention. The hymn, set to the J.S. Bach
harmonization of the hymn "O Sacred Head Now Wounded," has been widely
distributed to pastors and churches via the Internet. On Nov. 22, the PBS
television program "Religion & Ethics Newsweekly" featured a Gettysburg
(Pa.) College professor singing "The Storm Came to Honduras."
The hymn has reportedly been sung in churches throughout the United
States since the devastation wrought by Hurricane Mitch and even in
churches in Nicaragua and Honduras. Gillette visited Honduras in 1996.
The lyrics of the hymn:
The storm came to Honduras, To Nicaraguan towns;
El Salvador felt anguish As rains came crashing down.
O God of wind and water Who made the sea and sky,
Amid such great destruction, We ask a mournful, "Why?"
Great walls of mud and water Swept homes and towns away:
A thousand Rachels weep now For children lost today,
A million madres mourn now As rivers flood the shore--
O Jesus, friend and Savior, You suffer with the poor.
A weaving loom is shattered, A school in ruin lies,
A bridge is washed down-river, A lonely child cries;
O Spirit, send your comfort-- And give us faith that dares.
For when our neighbors suffer Our lives are bound to theirs.
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