From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Three architectural awards offered by Board of Church

From "Wilma Shuffitt"<>
Date 04 Dec 1998 12:25:30

Extension in 1999
Date: December 4, 1998
Disciples News Service
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Contact: Curt Miller
on the Web:


	INDIANAPOLIS (DNS) -- Board of Church Extension is seeking 
nominations for the 1998 "BCE Presidents' Award for Architectural 

	This church architectural recognition, formerly known as the Wickes 
Award, will honor congregations and other organizations of the 
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and their design professionals 
for quality architecture in recent building programs.

	Jurists will consider awards in the following categories: new 
construction, renovations/additions, accessibility, and visual arts. 
Any congregation or organization listed in the Yearbook and Directory 
of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) that has completed a 
religious building or work of visual art since Jan. 1, 1990, is 
eligible to enter the competition. 

	The award is named in honor of the seven presidents (formerly 
executive secretaries) of Board of Church Extension: Rev. F. M. Rains 
(1887 - 1890), Rev. George Muckley (1890 - 1925), Rev. John Booth 
(1925 - 1948),  Rev. William T. Percy (1948 - 1966), Rev. Rolland H. 
Sheafor (1967 - 1979), Rev. Harold R. Watkins (1980 - 1995) and Rev. 
James L. Powell (1995 - present).

	A jury composed of design professionals and other consultative staff 
to the BCE will determine the winners. The jury will consider many 
factors in judging the entries, including how the project facilitates 
the congregation's or organization's ministry, stewardship, design 
aesthetics, environmental friendliness and accessibility.

	Awards will include honor certificates plus a $500 cash gift to the 
top award winner in each category, given to the outreach ministry of 
the winner's choice. All award recipients will be honored at the 
October 1999 General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of 
Christ) in Cincinnati.

	To enter, either a representative from the congregation/organization 
or the design professional should contact BCE for an application. 
Contact BCE at PO Box 7030, Indianapolis, Ind., 46204; (800) 
274-1883; or at There is an entry fee of $50; 
entries must be postmarked by July 1, 1999.

	Previous recipients of the BCE-sponsored Wickes awards for 
architectural excellence in church facilities include First Christian 
Church, Portsmouth, Ohio, in 1983 and Saguaro Christian Church, 
Tucson, Ariz. in 1989.

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