From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Russian youth want more attention from their churches

Date 11 Dec 1998 15:42:01

Churches should allocate more resources to youth work

TIKHOVICI, Russia/GENEVA, 7 December 1998 (lwi) - A Lutheran church
seminar in Russia has called for more attention and better equipment
towards youth work.

The first ever seminar for Lutheran youth workers was organized by the
Committee for Youth Work of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in
Russia (ELCIR) and sponsored by the Youth in Church and Society of the
Lutheran World Federation (LWF).

A message from the participants addressed to the congregations states:
"Youth work in our congregations is developing disproportionally. While
there are congregations with a long tradition and good results in youth
work, there are also congregations where youth work has not started yet."

Discussing their experiences, participants' said youth work faces four
main problems, namely, failure by congregational councils to pay enough
attention to this area of work, lack of budgetary provision for the young
people's work, a tendency not to support youth leaders and failure to
undertake missionary efforts among young people.

"It is therefore important to raise awareness in our congregations and
stress the need for work among young people," the letter to the
congregations stresses. It calls on church members "not to respond to
youth with prejudice and fear but to integrate their children and
grandchildren into the church."

Participants in the October 9-10 seminar also discussed the present
situation and possibilities of development in youth work. It was the first
meeting of its kind in the Lutheran churches in Russia and constituted an
important step towards structured youth work.

Presentations on ecumenical cooperation and social involvement, Bible
studies as well as discussions on different methods used in youth work
provided participants with basic information and skills needed for leading
youth groups in congregations.

*       *       *
Lutheran World Information
Assistant Editor, English: Pauline Mumia

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