From the Worldwide Faith News archives
World Council of Churches celebrates 50 Years, charts future
Worldwide Faith News <>
23 Dec 1998 10:25:46
The Episcopal Church
Daphne Mack <>
by James Solheim
(ENS) Almost a thousand delegates from over 300 members of
the World Council of Churches (WCC) met in Zimbabwe for nearly two
weeks to celebrate the ecumenical organization's 50th
anniversary-and to chart what they hoped would be a new course
for a new millenium.
African drums and exuberant songs welcomed jet-lagged
delegates to the opening service at the University of Harare
December 3 where WCC General Secretary Konrad Raiser praised the
decision to hold the Eighth Assembly in Harare, despite an
unsettled political environment in the country and threatened
boycotts by some Orthodox churches unhappy with the organization.
"How wonderful and significant to hear the words of Jesus
here, in mother Africa, where they take on a unique rhythm and
flavor; in mother Africa, so easily forgotten and ignored by the
powerful when convenient, so unknown by so many, so exploited and
stepped upon by others, but also so beloved by so many of us.
Here, in this continent, in Africa, where Jesus received asylum
and protection as an infant 2000 years ago," said the Rev. Eunice
Santana of Puerto Rico, one of the presidents of the WCC, in her
opening sermon. Sounding the Jubilee theme of the assembly, she
asked, "Now all the international debts are being carefully
counted, but where was the human accounting when colonialism
crushed the people?"
The nature of the challenge facing the WCC as it seeks to
redefine its role was apparent from comments by its top leaders at
the opening plenary. "Institutional ecumenism is in crisis," said
Catholicos Aram I of Lebanon, moderator of the Central Committee.
"Much of our constituency is disillusioned with the institutional
expressions of the ecumenical movement. especially the youth who
do not want to become prisoners of structures."
The moderator said that "unless the churches re-own the
ecumenical movement and re-articulate clearly its vision by making
it relevant to the life of the people, [it] may lose its vitality,
its sense of purpose." Looking back over history he said that "we
have both much to rejoice in and much to repent over" but he is
convinced that the WCC has steadily moved towards "a real
partnership." But he reminded delegates that the organization "is
an instrument and not a goal in itself. It serves the churches in
their common task of taking the Gospel into the world and in their
common calling to grow together in obedience to the command of
Jesus Christ."
Aram also confronted one of the more vexing issues facing
the assembly and the future of the WCC-the role of the Orthodox
members. While they have played a vital role, "they have not
integrated themselves fully into the total life and witness of the
council," he observed, largely because of "Protestant theology
which continues to dominate the council's theological language,
thinking and methodologies." Unless the WCC takes Orthodox
concerns seriously, "I fear that the Orthodox participation will
steadily dwindle."
Prior to the assembly Orthodox leaders had warned that
continued participation would depend on what Russian Patriarch
Alexy II of Russia called "total reconstruction" of the WCC.
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, who holds
the position of "first among equals" among Orthodox leaders, sent
a letter to the assembly charging that "a series of liberal,
theological and moral positions" had been adopted since the 1991
assembly in Canberra, "by a variety of member churches, mainly of
the Northern hemisphere."
Later the assembly endorsed a three-year commission to study
the participation of the Orthodox.
Raiser also confronted the issue, asking whether
"membership" is the only arrangement or even the most appropriate
form of taking part in the ecumenical movement. He asked the
assembly to consider the formation of a Forum of Christian
Churches and Ecumenical Organizations in which "participation is
more important than membership." Such a forum, which could
include Roman Catholics and a wide range of evangelical churches,
would offer a space to discuss common challenges facing the
ecumenical movement and make decisions on ways to cooperate. "The
WCC would participate in the forum alongside other partners,
without claiming any privileged place."
Raiser has pushed hard for the Forum because of his
conviction that the "organized ecumenical movement," including
the WCC, represents "only one segment of world Christianity." The
assembly approved a plan that could culminate in a forum at
Pentecost 2001.
Common understanding and vision?
Plenary debate on the document Towards a Common
Understanding and Vision (CUV), which grew out of a study begun in
1989 and was adopted by the Central Committee in 1997, exposed
widely divergent opinions on the future of the WCC.
Pointing out that many churches had not participated in the
CUV process of self-examination, Dr. Agnes Abuom of Kenya asked,
"What does it mean to talk about Christian unity when we churches
are breaking up? What does it mean in a broken world?"
The Rev. Leonid Kishkovsky of the Orthodox Church in America
(which is linked to the Russian Orthodox Church) said that the WCC
was formed in 1948 to deal primarily with issues linked to the
16th century Protestant Reformation. "The churches of the East
were not and are not part of this story. The Reformation is not
our story," he said. "Its theological debates and presuppositions
are not our theological debates and presuppositions."
After several comments by Orthodox delegates who sought to
distance themselves from the WCC, an obviously exasperated
delegate from the Church of England, the Rev. Rose Hudson-Wilkin,
said that the debate was "really about power." She added, "At
the risk of sounding na<ve, what is the problem here? It seems the
road we have gone down is, My church is bigger than yours, or, I
have more money than you, or, My church has this long and
important tradition." She pointed out that the Decade Festival
ending the Ecumenical Decade of Churches in Solidarity with Women,
which preceded the assembly, said the opposite, that "Your story
is my story." She concluded, "If we're going to listen to each
other, we cannot do it from a distance. That means walking side by
side with me, even if you are uncomfortable."
An experiment in conversation
In an experiment unique to a WCC assembly, delegates were
offered a dazzling array of opportunities to discuss issues and
activities in small groups called padares, based on a traditional
Shona "meeting place." The goal, according to Raiser, was "to
make visible the richness and health of the life of the
Almost 600 exhibits, presentations, performances and
discussions were offered in scattered locations across the large
campus of the university. "This is not a place for resolutions,
but for the free exchange of ideas-and sometimes they will be
controversial," said Raiser in his introduction. Eleven of the
padares dealt with the issue of homosexuality, for example--the
only time the issue appeared on the agenda. Members of an advisory
committee moved among the padares in an attempt to "maintain the
open spirit" and to report back to the WCC planning committees.
Reactions of delegates varied widely. Some reported that no
one showed up for padares, and in some cases the leaders didn't
show up. Others complained about accessibility, especially on such
a large campus, one that was not lighted during the evening
The session on unity issues seemed to draw the most
participants, but workshops on globalization and debt were also
quite popular. "It is particularly unfortunate for some Third
World organizations who have spent many thousands of dollars
bringing personnel and materials to Harare, only to find that
their presentation has been lost in the confusion and dispersal of
the display locations," said the Rev. Ron O'Grady, a retired
ecumenical staff official.
African setting is key
"The decision to go to Harare for the Eighth Assembly
expressed our determination that the ecumenical fellowship of
churches would not weaken its solidarity with African churches and
people as they search for new foundations upon which to affirm
their identity and reconstruct viable forms of community life,"
said Raiser in his report to the assembly.
Several prominent guests spoke directly to the WCC's support
for liberation movements in Africa. President Robert Mugabe of
Zimbabwe made a passionate appeal to member churches to help end
what he called "a global conspiracy against poor nations," in a
world dominated by "bullies."
He cited the debt burden and international trade practices
as major factors in wrecking the economies of poor nations. The
current debt stands at $379 for every man, woman and child on the
continent, higher in Zimbabwe. "Where are men and women of
prophetic witness, our seers and our moral and spiritual
liberators?" Mugabe asked. He challenged the WCC to "lead in
calling the world back to sane and human goals that edify God's
image," to use its "moral authority to appeal to the powerful
nations of the West to agree to write off the debts of Third World
Mugabe paid a glowing tribute to the WCC for its
"courageous gesture" in 1969 when it supported Zimbabwe's
struggle against colonialism and established a controversial
Program to Combat Racism and a special fund to channel
humanitarian support to liberation organizations. He also scolded
some churches for their acceptance of a "colonial ethos" among
missionaries, arguing that they had played midwife to colonialism,
"succumbing or voluntarily surrendering God to the racism of
colonial structures." Yet he pointed out that other churches
spoke against the excesses of colonial rule and "paid dearly for
their conscience" by deportation or death.
Mugabe is in the middle of a struggle to claim land from
white farmers whose property has been protected since the new
nation was formed in 1980 from former Rhodesia. In efforts to
reassure Great Britain that the farmers would be justly
compensated, he bristled at charges in the British press that
accused him of "larceny, tyranny, brutality and racism."
Although he did not address the issue of homosexuality in
his speech, Mugabe has made frequent vitriolic attacks on gays,
calling them "worse than pigs." As he left the plenary, he was
asked for a comment by a Dutch journalist and suggested that the
church should take a role "to cure them from their diseased way
of life.. This is the church, this is the organization that can
purge them."
Mandela thanks WCC for support
It was the surprise appearance of Nelson Mandela, president
of South Africa, that produced an infusion of new energy at a
special plenary celebrating the WCC's 50th anniversary.
Accompanied by Mugabe, Mandela received a tumultuous welcome, and
in his address made a passionate appeal to the WCC to give the
same support to the struggle for the development of democracy in
Africa that it gave to liberation movements.
In expressing gratitude to the churches, he praised the WCC
for "activating the conscience of the world for peace and on
behalf of the poor, the disadvantaged and the dispossessed."
Citing the Program to Combat Racism and the special fund to
support liberation movements, he said, "Your support exemplified
in the most concrete way the contribution that religion has made
to our liberation, from the days when religious bodies took
responsibility for the education of the oppressed because it was
denied to us by our rulers, to support for our liberation
struggle." He said that the people of southern Africa and the
whole continent regard the WCC as "champion of the oppressed and
Mandela said that "the name of the WCC struck fear in the
hearts of those who ruled our country during the inhuman days of
apartheid. To mention your name was to incur the wrath of the
authorities. To indicate support for your views was to be labeled
an enemy of the state."
Development is the challenge of the new millenium, Mandela
argued. "My own continent of Africa dreams of an African
renaissance in which, through reconstruction and development, we
will overcome the legacy of a devastating past and ensure that
peace, human rights, democracy, growth and development are a
living reality for all Africans."
When the WCC moved "to the risk of active engagement in the
struggle to end oppression," it broke new ground and now it was
time "to show that same engagement in the new and more difficult
struggle for development and the entrenchment of democracy."
In its closing days, the assembly confirmed its commitment
to Africa, rejecting negative views of the continent and stressing
in a statement that "the emphasis should be positive, leaving
behind the notes of fatalism, despair and helplessness which tend
to characterize some attitudes and responses."
To underscore the danger of speaking the truth to power, a
group of delegates urged the WCC not to be a party to a conspiracy
of silence on genocide "being perpetrated by the Islamic
fundamentalist regime in Khartoum against the people of southern
Sudan." They spoke in response to a sermon by Roman Catholic
Bishop Paride Taban of the Sudan who offered an eyewitness account
of bombing raids. A week after he spoke, he was the object of a
bombing raid himself. The WCC sent a strong letter to Sudan's
foreign minister, saying that "it is strongly suspected that
units of the Sudanese army were responsible for this atrocious
act. According to some reports we have received, the attack was in
retribution for a sermon Bishop Paride preached in a public
stadium here in Harare at the special invitation of the WCC. It
urged the minister "to take immediate measures to ensure his
absolute personal security and identify and bring to justice the
perpetrators of this terrible act."
Role of women and youth
Most delegates seemed to support a letter from the Decade
Festival calling on the assembly to condemn violence against women
as a sin. The Rev. Deenabandhu Manchala of India, one of the
panelists in the plenary, asked, "Does the church wish to remain
custodian of a culture of violence or a catalyst to a culture of
life? We must stop seeing violence against women as a women's
The decade should not have been perceived as a threat by any
church, said Metropolitan Ambrosius of the Orthodox Church of
Finland. But several Orthodox delegates complained about what they
saw as a radical feminist agenda. While affirming the call for
human and social rights for women, "So long as other WCC churches
advocated an agenda calling for all churches to ordain women and
to accept inclusive language, the eucharistic unity that is a
dream will never come true," warned the Rev. Vsevolod Chaplin of
the Russian Orthodox Church.
An attempt to provide adequate representation of women and
youth on the 150-member Central Committee exposed some deep
fissures. Bishop Melvin Talbert of the United Methodist Church,
moderator of the nominations committee, expressed deep frustration
in trying to achieve a balance, calling the slate "unacceptable."
Dr. Marion Best of the United Church of Canada said in response,
"I feel a very deep disappointment, fast rising to a high level
of anger. When the Ecumenical Decade in Solidarity with Women was
launched, I tried to support it, I met with church leaders, and
now the percentage of women on the Central Committee is less than
it was at Canberra. I don't know if I want to be part of the WCC
if it doesn't change."
Talbert said that some churches had "found various
reasons" to decline a request to include more women on the list
they sent to the committee and some men had "emphatically stated
that no woman would replace them." When the assembly considered
the final slate, it brushed aside attempts to nominate men to
replace women, including one from the Armenian Apostolic Church. A
quarter of the churches at the assembly is represented exclusively
by male delegations. The WCC has attempted to have a minimum of 40
percent women among the delegations but the goal is difficult when
Orthodox delegations are over 85 percent male.
Women moved close to the 40 percent goal on the final slate
for Central Committee. Pamela P. Chinnis, president of the House
of Deputies and leader of the Episcopal Church delegation at the
assembly, was one of two Anglicans from North America elected to
the committee. She also served on the critical business committee
at the assembly, responsible for daily operations.
The same issues of balance plagued the election of
presidents for the WCC. The assembly rejected a proposal to have
the Central Committee appoint the presidents, requiring the
nominations committee to scramble to prepare a slate for
consideration on the closing day.
The presidents are chosen on a regional basis. Africa will
be represented by Agnes Abuom of the Anglican Church of Kenya;
Asia--Moon Kyu Kang of the Presbyterian Church of Korea; Europe--
Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Ephesus and Bishop Eberhardt Renz of
the Evangelical Church in Germany; Latin America/Caribbean--Bishop
Frederico Pagura of the Evangelical Methodist Church of Argentina;
Middle East--Mar Ignatius Zakka Iwas of the Syrian Orthodox
Church; North America--Kathryn Bannister of the United Methodist
Church; and Bishop Jabez Bryce of the Anglican Church in
Aotearoa/New Zealand and Polynesia.
The assembly re-elected Aram I as moderator, and chose as
vice-moderators Justice Sophia Adinyira, an Anglican from the
Province of West Africa, and Marion Best of Canada.
The issue of homosexuality emerged during a debate in the
closing plenary on a resolution on human rights. "Our support for
human rights will ring increasingly hollow until we speak out
against violence done to our gay and lesbian brothers and
sisters," said Dr. Paul Sherry, president of the United Church of
Christ in the U.S. "Our silence in the midst of this violence is
When the program guidelines committee identified the issue
of human sexuality as one of seven areas for WCC work in the
future, Russian Orthodox delegate Vladimir Shmaliy warned that
"any move to develop a homosexual agenda would severely
jeopardize Orthodox participation in the WCC." His move to delete
the issue from the report was soundly defeated.
The other six issues identified by the committee were:
worship and spirituality, inclusive community, non-violence and
reconciliation, globalization, debt cancellation, and creative
ways to accomplish the WCC's work with less budget and staff.
Among the major resolutions the WCC called for:
* debt cancellation for impoverished nations, debt reduction for
middle-income nations, and international economic reforms to
prevent recurrence of debt;
* alternative responses to activities of transnational
corporations and other international financial institutions,
and restrictions on the unlimited flow of capital that produces
"instant profits and equally instant disasters" for the rich
and poor;
* a decision on the status of Jerusalem that includes Jews,
Muslims and Christians for whom the city is holy and by the two
peoples who call it home, the Israelis and Palestinians.
* condemnation of the use of children in warfare, calling for an
immediate moratorium on their recruitment.
A message of hope
Despite some strong objections to an early draft, on its
closing day the assembly issued a message of hope, "Being
together under the cross in Africa." Emphasizing the theme of the
assembly, "Turn to God-Rejoice in Hope," it said, "As we have
turned once again to God, we have been able to rejoice in hope. We
invite you to share with us the vision which we have been able to
express together and which, we pray, will become a part of a
common life and witness."
"We are challenged by the vision of a church, the people of
God on the way together, confronting all divisions of race,
gender, age or culture, striving to realize justice and peace,
upholding the integrity of creation," the message said in one
clause. "We journey together as a people with resurrection faith.
In the midst of exclusion and despair, we embrace, in joy and
hope, the promise of life in all its fullness. We journey together
as a people of prayer. In the midst of confusion and loss of
identity, we discern God's signs of God's purpose being fulfilled
and expect the coming of God's reign."
Episcopal Church participants react
In a brief interview with delegates and visitors at the
assembly from the Episcopal Church, there was unanimous agreement
about the hospitality of the people of Zimbabwe and the exciting
variety of worship. The Rev. Patrick Mauney, director of Anglican
and Global Relations, expressed surprise that the people he
encountered spoke so openly of politics in Zimbabwe.
The Rev. David Perry, the church's ecumenical officer, said
that the formation of a commission to address the concerns of the
Orthodox members of the WCC was "very positive, a signal that we
are still together in the search for a common vision. We kept the
conversation going."
Richard Parkins of Episcopal Migration Ministries said that
"the setting and participation of Africans gave it a sense of
reality, especially in dealing with issues such as international
The youngest member of the delegation, 22-year-old Aldo
Rincon of the Dominican Republic, said that it seemed "difficult
for youth leaders to make their mark at the assembly." He found
some of the talk by WCC leaders about youth participation
"superficial," and felt that the assembly blocked any efforts to
make substantial changes.
Perry is encouraged that the assembly made a clear
commitment to meet the needs of member churches and take what he
called "some big steps forward," even though they were not always
evident in such a complicated meeting. "Instead of self-
destructing, as some were predicting, the delegates laid the
foundation for a common vision. As Anglicans we will provide
whatever leadership we can to implement that vision."
--James Solheim is director of the Office of News and Information
for the Episcopal Church and covered the assembly for ENS.
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