From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Iraq: Adventists Unhurt After Air Attack

From "Christian B. Schäffler" <>
Date 01 Jan 1999 02:45:17

December 31, 1998
Adventist Press Service (APD)
Christian B. Schaeffler, Editor-in-chief
Fax +41-61-261 61 18
CH-4003 Basel, Switzerland

Iraq: Adventists Unhurt After Air Attack; Church Services 

Baghdad, Iraq [APD/ANR] After air attacks on Iraq that began 
at 10 p.m. GMT on December 16, leaders of the Seventh-day 
Adventist Church report that members are unharmed and the 
church buildings and offices in Baghdad are intact.

Basim Aziz, president of the Adventist Church in Iraq, who is 
currently in Jordan, reports that he has been in regular 
contact with Adventists after the bombings.

"Friday night was the worst of the three nights of bombing," 
says Aziz. "Missiles rained on Baghdad and other places in 
Iraq. Nine big targets in Baghdad alone were destroyed 
completely, among them a cotton factory. Our church 
members started the Sabbath (Saturday) meeting in the 
church as usual, and all the members were present for the 

Local church leaders in Iraq report that water and electricity 
supplies have not been hit. However the military action is 
expected to have a devastating effect on an already damaged 

"Eight years of embargo have hurt the country's economy," 
says one Iraqi church leader. "The bombardment taking place 
will devastate the country completely. Four hospitals were hit, 
two private and two government ones. The oil refinery in 
Basra (the main city in south Iraq) was destroyed. Iraq used 
to sell oil from that refinery to cover many of its expenses. No 
one can predict how Iraq will fare after the bombardment is 
over. We are waiting for the end of the strikes to see what the 
Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) can do if it 
is permitted by the Iraqi government to work in Iraq." 

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