From the Worldwide Faith News archives
$635,000 Grant to NCC's Yearbook
05 Jan 1999 12:05:21
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.
Contact: NCC News, 212-870-2252
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NEW YORK, Jan. 5, 1999 ---- Already an indispensable
resource on North American religious life, the National Council
of Churches' Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches will
become even more valuable over the next three years thanks to a
$635,000 redevelopment grant from Lilly Endowment Inc.
With the grant, the Yearbook will computerize its 67-year
database on church membership and finances, a rich vein of
information currently available only to those with access to the
printed volumes and the time and patience to mine them. It will
develop new user-friendly CD-ROM and web-based products to
supplement its annual print edition, institute electronic data
gathering and enhance its marketing.
The Yearbook, whose 1999 edition is due off press February
1, is the most up-to-date, comprehensive source of statistics
from North America's churches. It offers the most complete
available summary of denominational membership and finances,
along with extensive directories of denominational and ecumenical
bodies and trends essays.
Church leaders, journalists, seminary and public libraries,
researchers and scholars use the Yearbook extensively. The U.S.
Census Bureau, Chronicle of Philanthropy, Ecumenical Center for
Stewardship Studies, American Religion Data Archive, World
Almanac and Book of Facts, The New York Times Almanac and others
are regular users of the data.
With the Endowment grant, said the Yearbook's editor, the
Rev. Dr. Eileen W. Lindner, "we will hitch this venerable wagon
of church history to the bright star of new technologies. The
new CD-ROMs will, for the first time, assemble all of the 67
years of church membership and finance data in a single place.
Current and historical Yearbook data will be available in a very
cost-effective way to any researcher anywhere in the world."
"The Yearbook was at its inception very forward looking, and
recognized religion's important part in American cultural
history," Dr. Lindner said. "Since its first edition in 1916,
the Yearbook made use of new sciences of demography, sociology
and the like that at the time were relatively foreign to
religion. The Yearbook redevelopment project makes use of
today's new electronic sciences, and will help us understand in
much finer resolution the details of our American family
Hailing the Endowment grant as "good news," John Dart of
Northridge, Calif., recently retired from the Los Angeles Times
after 31 years covering religion news, said, "The Yearbook has
annually extended its long track record of reliable facts about
North America's denominations, seminaries, periodicals and
"Journalists and researchers cannot do without it, to put it
plainly," said Dart, author of Deities and Deadlines, a popular
guide to religion news coverage. "If a journalist covering
religion news were confined to a cubicle away from the newsroom
by a perverse editor allowing the writer to have only a computer,
a telephone and one sourcebook, the Yearbook would be the obvious
choice of that wretched monastic (who would still impress readers
with his or her breadth of knowledge and contacts)."
Said Greta Lauria of Louisville, Ky., Secretary/Treasurer of
the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies,
"Over the years the Yearbook has become like a friend you can
always count on to give you the information you need. My
colleagues and I use it regularly. The Yearbook belongs in the
library of anyone who has a serious interest in the state of the
church. I'm glad to learn that the NCC is being given the grant
to put the Yearbook into electronic format, which will make it
accessible to many more users."
The Yearbook "is a vital tradition and it's wonderful that
it's going to be strengthened," said Sylvia Ronsvalle, executive
vice president of the empty tomb, inc., a Christian research and
service organization based in Champaign, Ill. "It is a vital
source for researchers, scholars and any interested church person
and consolidates information from many denominations into one
central location.
"We've found the data incredibly helpful in doing historical
analysis on church giving and membership patterns," she said.
"Using these data, which we've not been able to find elsewhere,
we've been able to take the temperature of church member
commitment in the United States."
The 1999 Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches features
more than 1,000 updates on a record 231 churches; a new listing
of religion research centers; statistical charts and commentaries
on a century of church growth in the United States and Canada,
and an "electronic church" chapter with twice as many listings as
in 1998.
The New York Times' senior religion correspondent, Gustav
Niebuhr, has contributed a feature on "American Religion at the
Millennium's End," and there is a new program index to youth
programs, homeless/shelter ministries, hunger/food programs,
interfaith dialogue and faith and order initiatives.
Prepared by staff of the National Council of Churches, the
Yearbook is published by Abingdon Press, Nashville, Tenn. Once
out, the book retails for $29.95. Until February 1, it may be
ordered for $22.45 - a 25 percent pre-production discount - plus
$3.50 shipping and handling. Phone 1-800-672-1789.
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