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Tutu Stresses Justice, Mercy, Humility in Remarks to Students

Date 13 Jan 1999 21:36:56

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    Tutu Stresses Justice, Mercy, 
    Humility in Remarks to Students 
    by United Methodist News Service 
RIDGECREST, N.C.-An authentic religious life hinges on walking humbly with 
God, doing justice and loving mercy, Archbishop Desmond Tutu told more than 
1,300 young people attending a year-end ecumenical gathering. 
    The South African Nobel laureate addressed students, campus ministers 
and chaplains from six denominations gathered for Celebrate III, held Dec. 
30-Jan. 3 at a Southern Baptist retreat center in the western North 
Carolina mountains near Montreat.  At least 300 Presbyterian students from 
colleges and universities across the country were in attendance. 
    Tutu, an Anglican cleric and the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 
1984 for his role in bringing a relatively non-violent end to apartheid in 
South Africa, is a visiting professor of theology at Candler School of 
Theology in Atlanta. 
    He centered his message around the biblical foundation for the four-day 
gathering, Micah 6:8, which asks: "What does the Lord require of you?" 
    Micah stated that a relationship with God depends on performing acts of 
justice, mercy and humility.  But Tutu suggested a reversal in order - to 
make walking humbly with God the first prerequisite for an authentic 
religious existence. 
    "The true Christian life is impossible unless at its heart beats an 
engaged spirituality," he said. 
    Such an "engaged sprituality" will not provide insulation against the 
harsh realities of life," Tutu said, but, it will give people sensitivity 
to God, who will prepare them to work for God among "the least of these." 
    The archbishop told the students that they, like God, must be among 
those who are hurting, have been diminished and dehumanized.  "For what we 
do to rehabilitate them, to serve them, we are doing as to our Lord 
himself," he said. 
    Tutu cited two commandments that give more meaning to Micah 6:8: "Love 
God and love neighbor."  These are two sides of one coin, he said:  "One on 
its own is not legal tender.  It can't be the coin.  You need both together 
    The biblical story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 not only teaches that 
Christians should share their resources, but it also emphasizes that how 
God needs human partners for His work, the archbishop said. 
    "We, without God, cannot; God, without us, will not," Tutu said, 
quoting St. Augustine of Hippo.  "The omnipotent becomes impotent and weak; 
the infinite becomes the restrained, the limited, waiting for our fish, our 
bread, before God can accomplish whatever miracle God would want to 
    God often relies on young people to be his friends and workers, Tutu 
said.  He repeated God's words to Jeremiah: "Before I formed you in the 
womb, I knew you."  None of the students was created by accident, he 
insisted.  "You are an indispensable part of God's plan.  No one else.  Not 
even your identical twin, can love God and serve God as only you can.  You 
are unique." 
    God puts limits on His omnipotence to ensure that there is always 
collaboration between human beings and the divine, Tutu said.  "God ever 
waits on God's human partners to provide their particular bread and fish to 
enable God to do God's work, to perform God's miracles," he said 
    Young people from six continents participated in the Celebrate event, 
which is held every four years.  During small-group sessions, workshops and 
other meetings, they discussed issues on their campuses and in the world, 
and how their faith prepares them to respond.  The students also explored 
where God is leading them as the new millenium approaches. 
    Tutu expressed his high regard for the activism of young people, and 
said he felt privileged to speak to this gathering.  He also thanked the 
youngsters for their help in eradicating apartheid in South Africa. 
    During the 1980s, anti-apartheid protesters in South Africa called upon 
the world community to impose sanctions on government. U.S. president 
Ronald Reagan opposed sanctions, Tutu said, and "had a policy of so-called 
constructive engagement." 
    On campuses across America - as well as in churches such as the 
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) - students engaged in demonstrations to force 
institutions to divest investments in South Africa.  Tutu said they helped 
change the moral climate in the United States, to such an extent that 
Congress eventually passed anti-apartheid legislation, imposing sanctions 
and overriding a Reagan veto. 
    "So we owe a lot to young people," he said.  "Our victory in South 
Africa was made possible by such dedication and support.  Thank you.  Thank 
you.  Thank you." 
    The Celebrate conference was sponsored by the Council for Ecumenical 
Student Christian Ministry, a partnership of students and national 
denominational staff from the United Methodist Church, the Christian Church 
(Disciples of Christ), the Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran 
Church in America, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the United Church 
of Christ.  Students from the Roman Catholic Church also participated. 
    The Council, created in 1987, is an affiliate movement of the World 
Student Christian Federation, which unites student Christian organizations 
from more than 80 countries. 

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