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1999 Mission Yearbook Is Available

Date 08 Jan 1999 20:03:29

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    1999 Mission Yearbook Is Available 
    by Jerry L. Van Marter 
LOUISVILLE, Ky.--Used by thousands of Presbyterians daily as a devotional 
guide to Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mission throughout the world, the 
1999 edition of the "Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study" is now 
    The theme of the 1999 yearbook is "So Great a Cloud of Witnesses," 
drawn from Romans 12:12. 
    Special features of this 107th edition of the Mission Yearbook include 
a synod and presbytery directory, a section on the six Great Ends of the 
Church, written by former General Assembly moderator Marj Carpenter, and a 
color section celebrating the 50th anniversary of the One Great Hour of 
Sharing offering. 
    Regular features included in this year's book are hundreds of stories 
and photographs of people in mission in the United States and overseas; 
minutes for mission on the Lord's Day pages; prayer lists that include 
presbytery and synod staff, General Assembly staff, General Assembly 
Council members, Presbyterian partner churches around the world and 
Presbyterian people in mission; daily lectionary readings and suggested 
hymns; educational and theological institutions related to the PC(USA); 
synod and presbytery maps; demographic profiles of countries where the 
PC(USA) is involved in  mission; and a daily order of worship for use with 
the Yearbook. 
    Copies of the 1999 Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study are available 
by calling Presbyterian Distribution Services at 1-800-524-2612 and asking 
for PDS #70-350-99-450.  Prices are $7.50 each for 1-9 copies or $6.50 each 
for 10 or more copies, plus shipping. 

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