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United Methodists sign on to petition on Palestinians

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
Date 09 Feb 1999 13:45:40

Feb. 9 1999	Contact: Linda Bloom*(212) 870-3803*New York    10-71B{076}

By United Methodist News Service

More than 200 United Methodists have signed on to a statement calling for an
end to the violation of human rights of Palestinians.

The petition is being circulated by SEARCH for Justice and Equality in
Palestine/Israel, a Boston-based group. It was first presented to U.S.,
Israeli and Palestinian officials on Jan. 26.

So far, 42 bishops and 160 other members of the United Methodist Church,
mainly clergy, have endorsed it, according to Edmund "Ned" Hanauer, a member
of SEARCH's steering committee.

The petition condemns rights violations by Israel and the Palestinian
Authority and urges them to "abide by international law and human rights
conventions." It calls on the United States to withhold financial aid to the
two governments until they do. 

"Pending compliance, aid should be given to Israeli and Palestinian
non-governmental organizations working for peace based on human rights," the
statement declared.

The U.S. government also is called upon to:
*	Publicly support full self-determination for Palestinians in a West
Bank-Gaza state within the borders that existed before the June 1967 war.
*	Support a peace that recognizes the religious significance of
Jerusalem and gives equal national status there to Israelis and
*	Urge Israel to cease the demolition of Palestinian homes and the
seizure of Palestinian lands and to return all land and water resources
confiscated from Palestinians since 1967.
*	Urge Israel to dismantle all settlements except where settlers are
willing to live as equal citizens within a Palestinian state.
*	Support the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their
homeland or receive compensation.
*	Support the release of political prisoners held by Israel.
*	Urge Israel to ensure equal rights and opportunities for all
Palestinians living there.
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