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Newsline - Church of the Brethren weekly news update
Church of the Brethren News Services
12 Feb 1999 11:11:02
Date: Feb. 12, 1998
Contact: Nevin Dulabaum
V: 847/742-5100 F: 847/742-6103
Dear Newsline reader,
Over the past two years the size and scope of Newsline, the Church
of the Brethren news service, has changed greatly -- in length,
number of stories, and with the addition of features.
Have these changes been useful or have they become excessive?
Please take a few minutes to respond to the short survey; your
answers will assist in ensuring that Newsline will continue to be
a vibrant ministry of the church for years to come.
Please return these to by March 1. Thanks for your
Nevin Dulabaum
Newsline editor
1. RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION. Are you a member of the Church of the
Brethren. If not, do you have a religious affiliation?
2. LENGTH OF READERSHIP. How long have you been a Newsline reader?
3. MEANS OF RECEIVING. How do you receive Newsline (private
Internet address, work Internet address, Web site, Ecunet?).
4. LENGTH. Newsline's length has grown tremendously.
Should Newsline print stories that are deemed appropriate and
timely, even if the publication becomes lengthy?
Or should Newsline be limited to a certain length, so that it
is not so unwieldy.
If you believe Newsline should be only a certain length, what
needs to change to get Newsline to that length?
5. FREQUENCY. When Newsline was produced by two people, it was sent
out weekly. Since then it has been produced on or around the first,
third and fifth Thursdays of each month.
Which do you prefer?
If you prefer receiving Newsline weekly, would you be willing
to have it miss a week occasionally when the editor is on
6. NEWS. Many more stories from many more sources are being
Is the number of stories Newsline has been publishing good or
Are there types of stories not being published you'd like to
see included?
Are there types of stories you believe should be included?
7. FEATURES. In August 1997 Newsline began running occasional
Is their length good/too long?
Do you find them inspiring/informational or would you rather
they not be included?
8. SPECIAL ISSUES. The daily news sheets from Annual Conference,
National Youth Conference, and National Older Adult Conference were
sent over the Newsline network in 1998.
Do they make you feel connected, or is this information too
geared for those attending the conferences?
Should Conference journals be sent in the future?
9. SERMONS. Annual Conference sermons have been sent out via e-mail
over the past few years.
Should this practice continue?
10. LINKING. Newsline occasionally will run a story and will refer
readers to in order to see a related photograph or
web site.
Do you go to look at those photos and web sites?
Are these references helpful?
11. OTHER. What other comments do you have relating to Newsline and
the role it plays in your life and in the life of the church?
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