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ELCA Communicator to Chair NCC Communication Commission
16 Feb 1999 14:44:41
February 16, 1999
ELCA Communicator to Chair NCC Communication Commission
NASHVILLE, TENN. (ELCA) -- The Rev. Eric. C. Shafer, director of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Department for Communication,
was re-elected Feb. 10 to a four-year term as chair of the Communication
Commission of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. (NCC).
Commission communicators met here Feb. 8-10.
The commission acts as the communication unit for the NCC, Shafer said.
Its work includes joint efforts in telecommunications and technology,
programming and electronic media, news, interpretation and public relations,
media ethics and advocacy, and media education. The commission also serves
the 34 Protestant and Orthodox member communions of the NCC, and works with
some non-members in communication efforts.
"I am pleased to continue to serve the ELCA and our NCC ecumenical
partners in our important shared communication ministry," Shafer said.
"Together we can do much more to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with
believers and nonbelievers alike in the United States and Canada."
"I am grateful that Bishop (H. George) Anderson and the Rev. Robert
Bacher, my supervisors, continue to see my ministry with the NCC as an
important part of the ELCA's and my work.
Shafer's new term as chair begins in 2000. The position also places him
on the NCC Executive Board, and he is a delegate to the NCC General Assembly.
Other commission officers elected to begin terms in 2000 include Ann
Gillies, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Louisville, Ky., vice chair; Charlene J.
Smith, United Church of Christ, Cleveland, secretary; and Judy Weidman, United
Methodist Communications, Nashville, treasurer.
Officers concluding terms in 1999 year include Peggy West, United
Methodist Communications, Nashville, and Gillies. West was elected secretary
in 1996 and Gillies was elected treasurer the same year.
The Rev. Randy Naylor is the associate general secretary and director of
communication for the NCC, New York. He is a pastor of the United Church of
For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG
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