From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Easter Appeal
Sheila MESA <>
31 Mar 1999 09:38:36
World Council of Churches
Press Release
For Immediate Use
31 March 1999
Geneva-based ecumenical bodies and Christian world communions have
jointly appealed for a cessation of armed conflicts in Kosovo as well as
in other parts of the world. *Our hearts go out to all those who are
suffering the terrible consequences of the violence being inflicted on
God's children,* says the text of the Easter appeal which is sent to
member churches today. The church bodies called upon Christians
worldwide *to join their hearts and spirits in this prayer that the bombings
may cease and that the guns may fall silent.*
The appeal is endorsed by the World Council of Churches (WCC), the
Conference of European Churches (CEC), the Lutheran World Federation
(LWF), the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC), the World
Methodist Council (WMC), the Baptist World Alliance (BWA), and John L.
Peterson (the Anglican Communion).
Text of the Easter appeal signed by Konrad Raiser (WCC), Keith
Clements (CEC), Ishmael Noko (LWF), Milan Opocensky (WARC), Joe
Hale (WMC), Denton Lotz (BWA), and John L. Peterson of the Anglican
*In this season of Easter, Christians around the world share the
profound pain of all those caught up in tragedies such as Kosovo. Our
hearts go out to all those who are suffering the terrible consequences of
the violence being inflicted on God's children in this region and in many
other parts of the world. We lament the failure of imagination, collective
will and human spirit made manifest in the incapacity to address the
causes of conflict through peaceful means. As we remember again the
sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the one proclaimed by the prophets as the
Messiah, the Prince of Peace, our hearts are heavy for we recognize
that we have not yet been able to overcome our inclination to turn to the
sword in moments of doubt and fear.
Kosovo is but one of the many conflicts around the world today where
people take up arms against one another out of fear, hate, greed or
hopelessness. Many of these wars are largely hidden from the view of
the wider world, and some of them have claimed an even more terrible
toll than is now being inflicted in the Balkans. So we pray this Easter for
all of those in Yugoslavia and elsewhere whose lives are shattered by
Leaders of Christian churches in both East and West, and leaders of
other religious faiths have appealed in recent days for a cessation of
such acts of violence and for the settlement of conflict by negotiation.
Regrettably, such voices have not yet been heard over the clamour of
charges and countercharges, and the roar of bombs, landmines and
One of these leaders, His All Holiness The Ecumenical Patriarch
Bartholomew, has summarized many of these sentiments in his appeal of
29 March 1999, saying,
'in the name of God who loves humankind, in the name of the human
race, in the name of civilization, at this season of the religious feast of
the Muslims, the Easter of Roman Catholics and Protestants, the
Passover of the Jews and the Pascha of the Orthodox, on bended knees
(I) fervently appeal from the tormented depths of my heart to all world
government leaders, to military commanders and to those who bear arms
throughout the world, that they cease fire immediately and permanently.
We beseech them to use mutual understanding and mutual concession to
resolve peacefully their regional, international and worldwide disputes, in
order that the God of peace and mercy might bless them and all people.'
In this same spirit, we appeal to Christians around the world in these high
holy days to join their hearts and spirits in this prayer that the bombings
may cease and that the guns may fall silent. May the Spirit descend
among us and inspire in us the courage to sacrifice our individual wills in
order that the peace of the Risen Christ may prevail.*
The World Council of Churches is a fellowship of churches, now 338, in
more than 100 countries in all continents from virtually all Christian
traditions. The Roman Catholic Church is not a member church but
works cooperatively with the WCC. The highest governing body is the
Assembly, which meets approximately every seven years. The WCC
was formally inaugurated in 1948 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Its staff is
headed by general secretary Konrad Raiser from the Evangelical Church
in Germany.
World Council of Churches
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