From the Worldwide Faith News archives
NCCCUSA/CWS Africa Emergency Aid
17 Mar 1999 10:22:48
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
Contact: NCC News, 212-870-2227
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NEW YORK CITY - Church World Service - the humanitarian response
ministry of the (U.S.) National Council of Churches - is supporting
global ecumenical response, primarily through ACT (Action by
Churches Together), in several emergencies in Africa, including the
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Civil War and Crisis
SITUATION: War broke out in many regions last year. A rebel
faction, supported by outside forces, caused extensive damage and
suffering in the Bas Congo and Kinshasa areas, and quickly took
control of most of the DRC's eastern areas.
Fighting and violence, along with accounts and allegations of
human rights abuses and mass killings by all sides in the conflict,
continue, with the rebels and their allies - Uganda and Rwanda -
controlling the DRC's eastern third and the Kabila government and
its allies - Zimbabwe, Angola, Namibia and Chad - the western two-
In areas affected by the fighting food stocks are low and market
prices are high, preventing families from feeding themselves. Large
numbers of people have fled into the forest to escape the fighting
and are struggling to survive. Waterborne diseases are on the rise
due to contaminated water sources. Hygienic supplies are almost
non-existent. Recently, the UN Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator
confirmed that there are just under 200,000 refugees in the DRC and
possibly as many as 500,000 displaced persons.
RESPONSE: The Church of Christ in Congo (Eglise du Christ au
Congo - ECC) is targeting humanitarian relief to more than 8,000
families and more than 9,000 children, including basic medicines,
medical supplies and services, food, temporary shelter, seeds, tools
and hygiene supplies. Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) is providing
similar assistance in the Uvira area. Church World Service has
raised $43,000 ($40,000 from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and
$3,000 from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)) toward a
goal of $225,000 in support of the ECC and NCA work.
Uganda Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation
SITUATION: The conflict in northern Uganda has raged for 11
years. Various rebel groups have emerged and disbanded while others
have resurfaced. Many people continue to be displaced, killed,
maimed by landmines, raped and abducted while property continues to
be destroyed. There are no signs of the situation ending, and many
vulnerable people remain in need of emergency relief and assistance.
RESPONSE: The Church of Uganda (COU) Development and
Rehabilitation Department is proposing emergency assistance to
approximately 10,525 most vulnerable persons (about 1,316 families)
and rehabilitation assistance to around 8,000 persons (or
approximately 1,000 families) in the Gulu and Kitgum areas along
with emergency relief for the most vulnerable (around 8,000 persons)
in the Bundibugyo and Kabarole areas.
The Lutheran World Federation/Uganda Program is proposing
assistance to the most vulnerable Sudanese refugees in the Adjumani
(East Moyo) area, while at the same time enabling them to become
food self-sufficient and self reliant. Another aim is to provide
emergency relief/rehabilitation to directly affected nationals to
help them recover from rebel attacks. CWS is sending $30,000 from
Blanket Funds and seeking $70,000 to support COU and LWF emergency
relief assistance work.
Tanzania Food Crisis
SITUATION: As many as 400,000 persons throughout Tanzania - but
mostly in the Singida and Dodoma regions -- are facing severe food
shortages. The emergency is complicated by the vulnerable regions'
inability to fully recover from the 1997 drought and 1998 El Nino
rains, which were followed by a lack of rains later in 1998.
RESPONSE: The Christian Council of Tanzania - Refugee and
Emergency Services (ACT/CCT-RES) has worked with its established
church and diocesan partners to assess the emergency needs in 12
regions. In this appeal, CCT-RES is proposing to provide food, seeds
and plant cuttings to some 25,000 of the most vulnerable persons
affected by the current food shortages and to coordinate a disaster
management workshop for CCT-RES partners. CWS is supporting this
appeal and is seeking $150,000 in denominational support. The
Christian Church (Disciples) has already contributed $5,000.
Sudan Food Security
SITUATION: Those living in communities in southern Bahr el Ghazal
have experienced drought and famine since 1997. A large-scale
influx of displaced persons from northern Bahr el Ghazal last year
led to a loss of crops and livestock and reduced access to fishing
grounds and traditional dry-season grazing areas, worsening
malnutrition during 1998.
RESPONSE: Since May 1998, Church Ecumenical Action in Sudan
(CEAS) and the Lutheran World Federation/Department of World Service
(LWF/DWS) have responded to the famine with a food relief and small
agricultural rehabilitation program in Rumbek and Yirol counties.
With support from ACT International and Caritas International,
several hundred metric tons of food and over 300 metric tons of
seeds were distributed.
Now CEAS and LWF are seeking to respond to long-term
rehabilitation needs. While a large-scale food relief is required
during 1999, a program without accompanying work in agriculture
rehabilitation may be damaging to natural economic recovery. In
addition to on-going relief activities in Rumbek and Yirol Counties,
CEAS has responded to requests by the churches, local
administration, Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Association (SRRA)
and communities by formally requesting LWF to help more than 19,000
vulnerable families prevent future famine and restore normal life
and economic activities. CWS is seeking to raise $200,000 toward
the ACT/Caritas appeal.
Rwanda Relief and Rehabilitation
SITUATION: More than 500,000 people need material assistance in
northwest Rwanda, the nation's breadbasket, following a year in
which internal conflicts increased and concern heightened over how
last August's rebellion in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
could lead to a severe humanitarian crisis throughout the Great
Lakes region. The latest incidents are the most recent problems in
five years of war, violence and genocide that have affected millions
and resulted in huge numbers of refugees fleeing to camps in the
neighboring countries of Congo, Burundi and Tanzania.
RESPONSE: ACT members in Rwanda -- Church World Service, Lutheran
World Federation, Protestant Council of Rwanda, Christian Aid and
the United Methodist Committee on Relief -- have worked closely to
assess the most critical needs of vulnerable groups throughout
Rwanda. Through this appeal, these ACT partners members seek a
continuation of a collaborative effort of work in Rwanda.
For its part, CWS is proposing a $150,000 appeal project, through
Dec. 31, 1999, which will be implemented by a CWS partner, the
Rwandan Women Community Development Network (RWN), a local Rwanda
organisation that has initiated long-term development through
training and income-generating activities for women and families.
This program will help build 150 houses and promote credit, savings
and community development activities in Urban Kigali, Umutara and
Butare prefectures.
Sierra Leone Emergency Relief
SITUATION: After several months of relative peace, Sierra Leone's
capital, Freetown, has been the scene of intense fighting between
the rebel forces, comprising the Revolutionary United Front (RUF)
and the ousted Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC), and the
West African peace keeping force (ECOMOG).
"The rebels have been hunting down people and burning homes,
using lists. Who is on the list? People who have been vocal against
them," Canon Ajayi Nicol, Anglican vicar of St. Charles Parish
Church, Diocese of Freetown, recently told Margaret S. Larom, World
Mission Interpretation and Networks Officer for The Episcopal
A curfew imposed upon the citizens of Freetown has caused immense
hardship and has resulted in shortages of food, water, medicines and
other basic amenities. Widespread destruction to homes has forced up
to 30,000 people to seek shelter in the national stadium while
others have taken refuge in schools and churches. Due to the renewed
fighting and critical situation of thousands of newly displaced
persons, assistance is required for immediate emergency relief to
help the most vulnerable.
At least 17 churches and church-related buildings in Freetown
with ties to the Council of Churches in Sierra Leone (CCSL) have
been damaged or destroyed in recent fighting, the CCSL reports, and
a CCSL staff member, Sulaiman Kalokoh, was killed. "Places of
worship, church institutions and personnel were not spared in this,"
reports Alimamy Koroma, CCSL General Secretary. Additional churches
in provinces are likely to have been attacked recently and once
those areas are accessible, CCSL plans to survey them.
RESPONSE: The CCSL, an ACT member, has been asked to provide
emergency assistance, including relief from the World Food Program,
to large numbers of displaced persons in and around Freetown. CCSL
has been allocated the area of Brookfield, which includes the
national stadium, to immediately distribute food. (Norwegian Church
Aid is donating 40 metric tons of food rations for distribution; the
exact amount of the World Food Program assistance has not been
In addition, CCSL plans to provide plastic sheeting, blankets,
used clothing and other non-food items to 15,000 most vulnerable
people, especially families who have lost their homes and/or become
displaced by the fighting; women and children; pregnant women; older
people, and people who have been injured. Reportedly, health, water
& sanitation needs are being covered by other agencies. CWS is
supporting this work and is seeking $100,000 in denominational
* All information is drawn from CWS Emergency Response Office
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