From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Statement, U.S. Religious Leaders to Belgrade

Date 02 May 1999 12:05:33

National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
Contact: NCC News, 212-870-2227
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May 2, 1999

Issued By
The Mission of United States Religious Leaders to Belgrade

 We, the Mission of the United States Religious Leaders 
to Belgrade, headed by the Rev. Jesse Jackson and the Rev. 
Joan Brown Campbell, give thanks to God, the Author of peace 
and justice.  Our common faith in God has brought us 
together in our opposition to all forms of violence and to 
offer a positive option for peace.  The choice we affirms is 
to go forward by hopes and dreams and not to recycle pains 
and sorrows.  We rejoice greatly this day in the release of 
the three American soldiers held captive in Belgrade.  
Nevertheless, our joy is framed against the sorrowful 
reality of the many innocent lives lost in the current NATO 
bombing campaign.  Therefore, we remain firmly committed to 
the non-violent resolution of this conflict.

 The conflict in Yugoslavia must end quickly and 
humanely.  Together with the religious leadership of 
Yugoslavia, we want to help build a bridge of trust leading 
to just diplomacy.  The contribution of faith forms a 
spiritual bridge between our peoples which cannot be 

 Many things trouble us deeply: the violence in Kosovo 
which has led to thousands of refugees; the death and 
destruction from the bombing campaign; and the constant 
rhetoric that demonizes rather than engages.

 The violence suffered by all people in Yugoslavia must 
end.  Bombing and more war cannot bring peace.  "An eye for 
an eye and a tooth for a tooth" brings mutual blindness and 
disfigurement.  Our sense of kinship transcends political 
lines and this is why we want to build the bridge of peace.  
Peace with justice is worth the risk.  The role of faith 
must be a binding factor in this entire equation.  We want 
to be forces for good and to promote negotiation over 
confrontation.  We can bring about peace with security if we 
have the will to co-exist.

 Our allegiance is to peace and justice for all of God's 
children.  We have met with the religious leadership of 
Yugoslavia and together:

 - We affirm that we are one family of God.
 - We believe that animosity amongst God's children is 
destructive to all.
 - We are convinced that war is evil.  It harms both the 
Serbs and ethnic Albanians.
 - We affirm our support for each other in our pastoral 
efforts toward peace.
 - We will continue to work together to heal the wounds 
of war.

 We wish to thank the Serbian Orthodox Church, under the 
leadership of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle, and all other 
communities of faith in Yugoslavia and throughout the world 
for their efforts in seeking the release of the three 
American soldiers.  We appeal to all persons of goodwill to 
build lasting bridges of peace and reconciliation.


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